Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Selling My Wares

I opened my first eBay.com account in 1999 and have been very active on that site ever since.

Several years ago I started an online store to sell toys and pop culture related items. It did pretty well for awhile. Then something happened at eBay a couple years ago that made it harder for items to get noticed. Now I'm lucky if I sell one item each month. Of course, I haven't been promoting my store much, so that could be part of the problem. And I need to get motivated to re-design my listings to be more appealing on mobile phones. I just feel like it takes way too much energy to get little or no payout. It was really fun for awhile, though.

Out of the blue I made a sale today, which annoyed me rather than excited me. What is going on here? I'm supposed to be happy about making sales! I have a bunch of toys waiting to be listed! I'm just not excited about it anymore. I feel like putting up everything for 99 cents and getting rid of it. But this is my business. I need to start liking it again.

And I need to like writing again. It used to be really fun. Now it's like pulling teeth. Arrgh! But I'm here every day. It will be fun again soon. I'm sure of it. Won't it?

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