Thursday, December 22, 2016

America's Dark Moment

As I have been delving deeper into the science of writing recently, something very important occurred to me. This country is entering into what is called "the dark moment".

This is the climactic event that happens in every story that forces the hero to change. It is what is needed to kick him in the pants and get him to be the savior he was meant to be (like when "only hope" Obi-Wan was killed in Star Wars and Luke was forced to save himself and his friends and the entire universe).

 This country needed a kick in the pants, a wake-up call, so we would stop being so complacent waiting for "them" to fix things. It is time for ALL of us to become the heroes we were meant to be. 

Don't go back to sleep!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Drabble 4 - New Friends

My new neighborhood is bright and colorful, a haven in the heart of our crazy city. It's the perfect place to take photos.

As I walk along the street eating my sandwich and capturing bugs, flowers, bird nests and clouds (the clouds don't come out so well), I notice two kids sitting on a stoop. They appear to be my age. I want to make friends but I stay quiet and let them make the first move.

“Whatcha doin’?” they call out. Maybe they like photography too. I approach them with a smile and proudly hold out my birthday camera.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Drabble 3 - Neighbor's Yard

There he is again, just like every day, scrambling through the yard next door, pushing some loose soil back and forth. Is he searching for something? I watch him for a while as he digs.

Suddenly he lifts his head and looks around, sniffing the air. I don't see or smell whatever he does. It has to be bad because he takes off running.

He streaks past like the hounds of hell are following. I look back at his previous spot. Another squirrel is there. He picks up a nut I hadn't noticed and runs off in the other direction.