Monday, August 21, 2017


For years I've been wondering why certain behavior has been allowed to fester under the protection of The First Amendment. Hate speech should not be protected. It is harmful.

Only recently I discovered that it isn't supposed to be protected. Any speech that incites violence is known as "fighting words".

I wonder when law enforcement will get that memo.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

13 Reasons Why

Let me start out by saying I am not a fan of sad or depressing stories. When I read a book or see a movie, a happy ending is usually required. I want entertainment to make me feel happy, not to get me bummed out. But then there are phenomena like 13 Reasons Why.

My husband is still stunned over the fact I can't stop gushing about the Netfix original series that focuses on one girl's suicide and its aftermath. To give you some perspective on how much I loved this series, we started watching it on a Tuesday and had gone through all 13 episodes by Saturday.

My daughter told me her friends were talking about it, Instagram was covered with it and she needed to know what the hype was about. We had actually passed on the show just a couple days earlier because it dealt with suicide and I don't like depressing stuff, remember. But I told her I would watch it with her.

We watched the first episode in which the main character, Clay, receives a box of cassette tapes and finds out they are from his friend Hannah, who had recently committed suicide. Once he is finally able to listen, my daughter and I were mesmerized. And we had to watch the second episode.

The following night my husband sat on the couch while we were watching and got instantly caught up in it. We had to pause the show to explain what had happened in the previous two episodes. He was fascinated because the story plays out sort of like a murder mystery. You keep asking, "Who done it?" Whose actions were the worst, that finally pushed Hannah over the edge? The thing is, many of the actions were minor (some might think), which is what makes the story so powerful. Little things can add up, making the bigger tragedies impossible to handle.

Every night we watched an episode or two, or three. It was late Friday night when we got to the final episode, My husband was eager to see the end, but our daughter was tired and had to be up early the next day, so we waited. Saturday, after a long day at a comic book convention, my husband came home and said, "Are we watching the final episode?" Of course! The show brought out some great family discussions. I hope it does the same for others.

Some people have complained that the ending leaves too many unanswered questions, but I was fine with it. The ending leaves you wondering if the people left behind get the help they need. Does the worst offender get punished? Does the bullied kid go on a shooting rampage?

All it takes is one kind word or action to change the outcome of a bad situation. So anything could happen to these characters.

I describe what happened in the show as "the perfect storm" of events that piled up to destroy a person's life. An embarrassing photo, a rumor, a lie, a betrayal, a guilty conscience, feeling of unworthiness, etc. These are things most kids deal with in high school. But piled onto someone who is just learning how to navigate life can be debilitating. You stop noticing there are still people around you who love you and want you in their lives.

The subject matter is sad, there are depressing things that happen, things that are hard to watch, but overall it didn't bum me out. If anything it made me feel hopeful that people will watch this and think twice about the things they do and say to others. It also made me reaffirm my gratitude for my family and how blessed my life is.

There is also the fact that the entire cast is brilliant!!! The writing is believable and often humorous, so it's not one big downer. There is balance. You will laugh and cry and then hug your family. At least we did.

Warning: This show is intended for a mature audience. There is nudity, violence, swearing and sexual situations. Even so, I think 13 Reasons Why should be required viewing for all high school students and their parents. But they should watch it together and discuss it. Be sure to watch the behind-the-scenes episode when you finish the series.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

America's Dark Moment

As I have been delving deeper into the science of writing recently, something very important occurred to me. This country is entering into what is called "the dark moment".

This is the climactic event that happens in every story that forces the hero to change. It is what is needed to kick him in the pants and get him to be the savior he was meant to be (like when "only hope" Obi-Wan was killed in Star Wars and Luke was forced to save himself and his friends and the entire universe).

 This country needed a kick in the pants, a wake-up call, so we would stop being so complacent waiting for "them" to fix things. It is time for ALL of us to become the heroes we were meant to be. 

Don't go back to sleep!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Drabble 4 - New Friends

My new neighborhood is bright and colorful, a haven in the heart of our crazy city. It's the perfect place to take photos.

As I walk along the street eating my sandwich and capturing bugs, flowers, bird nests and clouds (the clouds don't come out so well), I notice two kids sitting on a stoop. They appear to be my age. I want to make friends but I stay quiet and let them make the first move.

“Whatcha doin’?” they call out. Maybe they like photography too. I approach them with a smile and proudly hold out my birthday camera.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Drabble 3 - Neighbor's Yard

There he is again, just like every day, scrambling through the yard next door, pushing some loose soil back and forth. Is he searching for something? I watch him for a while as he digs.

Suddenly he lifts his head and looks around, sniffing the air. I don't see or smell whatever he does. It has to be bad because he takes off running.

He streaks past like the hounds of hell are following. I look back at his previous spot. Another squirrel is there. He picks up a nut I hadn't noticed and runs off in the other direction.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Intolerance and Cruelty

This year's election campaign had made me so angry I had a hard time writing much of anything on this blog. I just couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. How could there be so many people who approved of Trump's intolerance and cruelty? And don't get me started on the misogyny. I would constantly start writing something angry and dark.

Then I would stop myself and think about what I wanted to put out there into the world. People will read it...maybe. Do I want to bring them down or make them feel hopeful?

Many believe that what you put out into the universe is what will come back to you.
That includes your thoughts. Uh-oh.

It's time for us to all focus on the positives. Most of the people of our country voted AGAINST racism and intolerance. And over 80 million people did not vote at all. If they were racists they would've voted for Trump too. Guess what that means. There are way more of us then there are of them. We have the power to changed things for the better.

Right now we need to help our friends and family members who are most vulnerable to the backward thinking of the new President. Call for right action in the government from your local politicians. Make them understand that we won't allow racism and intolerance to lead our country.

Be vocal. Campaign for human rights. Support groups that help rather than hurt.

Be peaceful. Always.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Drabble 2 - First Love

I don't know how long I'll keep numbering my drabbles. Maybe up to 100 to celebrate the 100 words? Who knows?

I always watch her when she isn't looking. I don't know what it is that has me so mesmerized.

Then the light catches her dark hair, revealing a hint of auburn. That's unusual for someone so dark. Maybe they're color highlights. She is surrounded by the popular girls. They probably do each other's hair at slumber parties every weekend. I sigh, knowing I don't fit in with any of them.

As they approach, I pretend not to notice.

"Hey, Fiona!" she greets me with a smile.
"Hey, Ruby," I mumble as they pass by.

Her friends glare back at me.