Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Free Your Mind

Do you meditate? If not, you really should. It's a great way to free your mind of worries, so you can focus on your writing. I've been meditating off and on for over 20 years. I still haven't mastered it, but can honestly say I notice the difference when I don't do it. So why not do it? All it takes is 5 minutes! More is better of course, but hey, it's a start! And before you think I'm being all "woo woo", meditation has been scientifically proven to relieve stress and induce relaxation.

Here's a brief tutorial for the novice:
Sit in a comfortable position (no slouching!).
Rest your hands in your lap, with your feet on the floor.
Close your eyes or focus on something, whichever is more comfortable.
Take a slow deep breath, all the way in, pause, then all the way out, pause. Repeat.
If thoughts enter your mind, don't worry. That's totally normal. Let them drift by like clouds.
Count your breaths. Try to get up to at least 10. You can add more each session.

There's much more to meditation. You can get an in depth tutorial HERE.

Have a relaxing day.

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