Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sweet Tooth (Sweet Shop, part 5)

Read Sweet Shop, part 4 here.

He sat at his desk, sucking on a peppermint. If anybody in his office caught him he would probably never live it down. He couldn't help it. He had a sweet tooth. It was the reason he went into his current profession.

He closed his eyes, savoring the cool freshness on his tongue. He thought back to the lovely girl from the candy store. He had tried to casually run into her a few times, but each time he saw her he couldn't get up enough nerve to start a conversation. Oh, well. Maybe one of these days he would just buy some cotton candy and hand it to her like a bouquet. She would probably appreciate the gesture.

"Doctor, your next appointment is here."

He froze, trying not to chew. "Tan yew, Bwenna," he garbled.

She raised her eyebrow at him. "You might want to spit out that mint. It sets a bad example."

What was she, his mother? He spit the candy into the waste basket. "Good point. Thank you, Brenda. What would I do without you?"

"Sarcasm is unbecoming."

He narrowed his eyes at her as she walked away, then stuck out his tongue.


She had noticed that cute guy from the flower stand watching her from afar every day last week. She wondered if he was a stalker. Maybe he was just shy. Hopefully that was it. After all, a man who loved cotton candy couldn't be all bad, could he?

She heard footsteps and set down her magazine.

"Good afternoon--"

She looked up at the familiar voice. "You!" she exclaimed.

"You!" he breathed.

They both laughed nervously.

"You've been stalking me!"

"Actually, I've been trying to get up the nerve to ask you out."

She blushed and changed the subject. "Where's Dr. Parker?"

"He retired last week. I guess Brenda forgot to call you. I hope this won't be too awkward."

"So, you're a dentist who loves candy?"

"Why do you think I became a dentist? With all the sugar I consume, I need industrial strength teeth cleaning quite often."

She smiled. "You must work out a lot to stay in such good shape. I mean--" She blushed again.

"Thanks," he laughed. Aside from my candy habit, I'm pretty health conscious." He cleared his throat. "So...about that date?  And don't feel pressured just because you're stuck in the dental chair of doom. I promise I won't ask you again. I mean, I understand if you want to keep this professional...that is if you want to keep me on as your dentist."

"I'd like that."

"Great!" He paused. "Um, were you referring to a date or to me being your dentist?" He held his breath.

"Both." She said with an amused grin. "Maybe we could go visit the Sweet Shop together."

"I'd like that."

The End.

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