It was a perfect day at the beach. The sky was clear blue. The sun was shining bright, but it wasn't too hot. A gentle breeze was blowing.
Izzy didn't want to run in the sand; she was content to curl up in her mommy's lap. She watched her human friends play in the water. They shrieked and laughed.
There were a lot of birds out today. She had never seen so many birds in one place. There were big ones, small ones, medium ones. They all concentrated on an area a few feet away from the people.
At least they weren't flying over the people. That could get messy.
Izzy sat up straight, her ears twitching. What was that poking out of the water near the humans? There were two of them, little shiny black heads with whiskers, bobbing up and down in the water. She hadn't seen those creatures before.
"Look at the seals!" Mommy cried out. "What are they doing over here?"
"There must be a bunch of little fish nearby," Daddy replied. "They're probably following the birds."
Izzy lay back down. If her parents weren't worried, she shouldn't be either.
"Whoa! Dolphins!" Mommy squealed. "I've never seen dolphins here before!" She pointed at the curving back fins going in and out of the water. Izzy craned her neck to follow the movements.
"I saw one jump all the way out, when I came down the hill earlier," Daddy said.
"Wow! Luck-y! I always miss the good stuff." Mommy pouted. "Let's go get a closer look. Maybe they'll jump again." Mommy lifted Izzy off her lap and set her on the ground.
The sand was hot, but she, Mommy and Daddy walked toward the water. It was cooler here.
Oh, no! The water was rushing right toward them! Izzy ran back toward the hot sand, as far as her leash would allow, with Mommy and Daddy right behind her. They were laughing! Why weren't they scared? They could've drowned.
Izzy liked the beach.

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