Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Late Night Radio

I often help my husband with his work late at night. There are some great internet radio shows on at that time. One of our favorites is Midnight in the Desert, hosted by Art Bell (formerly of Coast To Coast AM). The show focuses mainly on the paranormal. This is something my husband and I connected on very early in our relationship. We are both fascinated by all things paranormal: ghosts, hauntings, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, UFOs, Nostradamus, alternate dimensions, etc.

Tonight's guest was talking about psychic ability and telekinesis. He believes that it's a lot like "The Force" in Star Wars. Rather than concentrating on something to make it move, you simply believe it will and see it happening. It's all mind over matter. And it's an ability we all have if we choose to work that part of our brain.

That reminds me of The Law of Attraction. If you believe in something and imagine it happening you can bring it about.

I need to work on my visualization, so I can manifest that writing career. What happened to that? I seem to have become a blogger, rather than a novelist.

Hey, it's a start, right?

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