Yesterday I posted about the James Patterson writing class. I was curious, but it cost $90.00!!! That's really not a bad deal for a masters class, but still expensive. I had put the question out to the universe, "Should I do it?"
Guess what my husband replied--for all the world to see--on Facebook!
"Do it!"
(yes, the exclamation point was included)
So, today I will sign up for James Patterson Teaches Writing. I will post my review once I finish the series.
It's so nice to have someone else believe in your dreams with you. Thanks, hubby!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Learn from a Master
Master Class: James Patterson Teaches Writing
My friend posted this link for me today. It looks like a very interesting website and class, featuring videos and tips on outline, plot, characters, dialogue and more! If I had $90.00 just sitting around I would probably sign up.
Maybe I'll wait to hear what others have to say about it. Is it worth it? Or should I just keep looking for free tips from multiple authors online?
What makes James Patterson's tips better than other authors... aside from the fact that he's had tons of best sellers published?
When you think about it, $90.00 is a pretty good deal for a workshop, especially from such a popular author.
What do you think?
My friend posted this link for me today. It looks like a very interesting website and class, featuring videos and tips on outline, plot, characters, dialogue and more! If I had $90.00 just sitting around I would probably sign up.
Maybe I'll wait to hear what others have to say about it. Is it worth it? Or should I just keep looking for free tips from multiple authors online?
What makes James Patterson's tips better than other authors... aside from the fact that he's had tons of best sellers published?
When you think about it, $90.00 is a pretty good deal for a workshop, especially from such a popular author.
What do you think?
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Sympathetic Cryer
I'm glad to know I can feel these emotions. It tells me I'm not a sociopath.
That's a good thing.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Just Do It
Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to write about. How will I'll ever be able to turn out a daily column let alone an entire novel? Will my dreams ever come true? Am I doomed to keep giving up and setting things aside for years at a time? Is my goal impossible?
Not according to this video. Let this motivational speech be the fire under your butt.
You will jump off the couch... I mean desk chair... and shout. Yes! I will do it. I will make my dreams come true! TODAY!!!
Not according to this video. Let this motivational speech be the fire under your butt.
You will jump off the couch... I mean desk chair... and shout. Yes! I will do it. I will make my dreams come true! TODAY!!!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Sunday, July 26, 2015
The Search for Happiness
A movie review: Hector and the Search for Happiness
My daughter chose this film on Netflix tonight because she is a huge fan of Simon Pegg. He is most known for writing and starring in his own comedies. This was not one of them.
Pegg plays Hector, a psychiatrist who is not happy with his monotonous life. He sets off on an adventure to find the meaning of happiness. This movie has a beautiful message about what happiness really is.
One of my favorite scenes in the movie is where a cancer patient tells Hector he has a true talent, that "listening is loving". That line was very special to my daughter because she wants to be a therapist when she grows up. I told her she is going to make a lot of people feel loved. That made her very happy.
Go make someone happy today.
My daughter chose this film on Netflix tonight because she is a huge fan of Simon Pegg. He is most known for writing and starring in his own comedies. This was not one of them.
Pegg plays Hector, a psychiatrist who is not happy with his monotonous life. He sets off on an adventure to find the meaning of happiness. This movie has a beautiful message about what happiness really is.
One of my favorite scenes in the movie is where a cancer patient tells Hector he has a true talent, that "listening is loving". That line was very special to my daughter because she wants to be a therapist when she grows up. I told her she is going to make a lot of people feel loved. That made her very happy.
Go make someone happy today.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
"Heck, yeah!" I am doing my happy dance!
Oh, wait. I have to do this again next year. "Nooooo!"
Stop it! Stay in the moment. Be calm.
Back to the happy dance: "I'm done! I'm done! I'm-done-I'm-done-I'm done!"
Friday, July 24, 2015
Death and Taxes
<-- That's what I look like when trying to do my taxes. UGH!!!
I have my own business, selling toys and collectibles on eBay. Twice each year I have to organize all the sales information and figure out how much I owe in taxes. In April it's income, and in July it's sales tax. Trying to organize all the sales info is like pulling teeth for me. You would think I'd have gotten the hang of it after all these years, but I forget how to do it every time. What should take me one day ends up taking a week. That's mainly because I have to stop and turn my mind to other things or I will go insane and drop dead at my computer. Why can't I just sit down and get it done?
I guess I have the mind of an artist and not an accountant.
I have my own business, selling toys and collectibles on eBay. Twice each year I have to organize all the sales information and figure out how much I owe in taxes. In April it's income, and in July it's sales tax. Trying to organize all the sales info is like pulling teeth for me. You would think I'd have gotten the hang of it after all these years, but I forget how to do it every time. What should take me one day ends up taking a week. That's mainly because I have to stop and turn my mind to other things or I will go insane and drop dead at my computer. Why can't I just sit down and get it done?
I guess I have the mind of an artist and not an accountant.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
It's Okay to Get Silly
Don't take yourself too seriously. Life is to be experienced in all its nuances.
You think classical musicians are stuffy and boring? Think again! Here is proof that you can be brilliant without making others feel smaller.
Uplift others. Make them laugh. Lighten their hearts. It will bring you so much joy.
You think classical musicians are stuffy and boring? Think again! Here is proof that you can be brilliant without making others feel smaller.
Uplift others. Make them laugh. Lighten their hearts. It will bring you so much joy.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
I am sleepy and feeling loopy. Forgive me.
Waterhorse haiku
Large scaly body
Eyes that glow yellow at night
Wants a human wife
Waterhorse haiku
Large scaly body
Eyes that glow yellow at night
Wants a human wife
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Yellow Glowing Eyes (Black as Ink, part 4)
Here is part 4 of my freewriting exercise.
Read Black as Ink, part 3 here.
So the stories were true. This was the infamous waterhorse. I held my breath, not knowing what to expect, but nothing happened. We just stared at each other for a moment. His face was kind and he had curious yellow glowing eyes. Don't ask me how I knew it was a he. I just did. He nodded at me and I nodded back, in shock. He tilted his head in question and I knew what he was asking. Maybe it was telepathy. He wanted me to go with him and become his wife. How was that even possible? A human/dragon romance would never work!
I shook my head. "I'm a different species! I breathe air. How could I ever be your wife?"
He smiled at me. "I am magic," he said. "Anything is possible if you believe."
Just believe, y'all.
Read Black as Ink, part 5 here.
Read Black as Ink, part 3 here.
So the stories were true. This was the infamous waterhorse. I held my breath, not knowing what to expect, but nothing happened. We just stared at each other for a moment. His face was kind and he had curious yellow glowing eyes. Don't ask me how I knew it was a he. I just did. He nodded at me and I nodded back, in shock. He tilted his head in question and I knew what he was asking. Maybe it was telepathy. He wanted me to go with him and become his wife. How was that even possible? A human/dragon romance would never work!
I shook my head. "I'm a different species! I breathe air. How could I ever be your wife?"
He smiled at me. "I am magic," he said. "Anything is possible if you believe."
Just believe, y'all.
Read Black as Ink, part 5 here.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Saturday, July 18, 2015
White Blinding Light (Black as Ink, part 3)
My friend posts the most gorgeous nature photos. How can you not be inspired?
The five minute freewriting exercise continues.
Read Black as Ink, part 2 here.
There were no sounds, not a tweet or a chirp or a hum. I couldn't even hear the water lapping against the boat anymore. That could've been due to the fact it wasn't moving. The loch was smooth as glass. I reached out to touch the water, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The mist surrounding me went from blueish to a blinding white, almost like a spotlight. I felt like I was in that old movie, The Truman Show. I expected to hear the voice of God (or my producer) any moment. Instead, the fog began to part and I found myself staring into the face of an animal, the likes of which I had never seen.
This is fun! I like giving myself short bursts of time. It takes away some of the pressure. I don't have to be perfect. I just need to write something.
Have a great day!
Read Black as Ink, part 4 here.
The five minute freewriting exercise continues.
Read Black as Ink, part 2 here.
There were no sounds, not a tweet or a chirp or a hum. I couldn't even hear the water lapping against the boat anymore. That could've been due to the fact it wasn't moving. The loch was smooth as glass. I reached out to touch the water, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. The mist surrounding me went from blueish to a blinding white, almost like a spotlight. I felt like I was in that old movie, The Truman Show. I expected to hear the voice of God (or my producer) any moment. Instead, the fog began to part and I found myself staring into the face of an animal, the likes of which I had never seen.
This is fun! I like giving myself short bursts of time. It takes away some of the pressure. I don't have to be perfect. I just need to write something.
Have a great day!
Read Black as Ink, part 4 here.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Blue Swirling Smoke (Black as Ink, part 2)
Here is a continuation of Black as Ink...
As I thought about the possibility of passing through to another dimension or something, I gave thanks for the large quantity of food in my backpack. My sail across the large Scottish lake was supposed to last only a few hours, but I hadn't been able to decide what to bring with me. At the Little Nessie Shop there were so many goodies to choose from. At least I wouldn't go hungry for awhile. As I reached for a bottle of mineral water, I froze. A bluish grey smoke or mist started growing around me. I shivered and pulled my windbreaker tight. It's just a fog bank, I thought. Then everything became eerily quiet.
Until the next inspirational photo, have a good night.
Read Black as Ink, part 3.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Black as Ink
The night was black as ink. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, even as I lifted it towards me, bumping my nose. It had been two days since I set sail in this little boat in an attempt to cross the loch. I suppose it was bigger than I had realized. I hadn't seen the shore since yesterday. Maybe the wind was just blowing me around in circles. Or perhaps I had passed through that portal the locals whispered about.
Ooh, spooky, eh?
Okay, I am patting myself on the back for at least making an attempt to write something this morning. Maybe I will do that from now on, give myself five minutes to concoct an intriguing first paragraph. If it leads to something more, cool. If not, no big deal. I will have fulfilled my writing assignment.
Now go do something intriguing today!
Update! I have continued this story. If you enjoyed it, read Black as Ink, part 2 here!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Good Night, Moon
The day is almost over and I am just now writing this blog post! What happened to my morning ritual?
Well, I woke up late. Actually, I woke up super early then went back to sleep. Always a bad idea. I should've just gotten up then.
First thing in the morning, I had to print out a bunch of comic book pages for my husband.
Next I boxed up a record I had sold on eBay last night.
At 8 am I went to my day job.
After work I attended an extra choir rehearsal for our performance this Sunday.
I got home after 9 pm and had to help my husband with one of his pages (I'm his assistant inker).
The phrase, the night was black as ink, kept running through my mind and I thought I might turn it into a short story. But now it's late and I'm tired.
Goodnight, people. Goodnight, computer. Good night, moon.
Well, I woke up late. Actually, I woke up super early then went back to sleep. Always a bad idea. I should've just gotten up then.
First thing in the morning, I had to print out a bunch of comic book pages for my husband.
Next I boxed up a record I had sold on eBay last night.
At 8 am I went to my day job.
After work I attended an extra choir rehearsal for our performance this Sunday.
I got home after 9 pm and had to help my husband with one of his pages (I'm his assistant inker).
The phrase, the night was black as ink, kept running through my mind and I thought I might turn it into a short story. But now it's late and I'm tired.
Goodnight, people. Goodnight, computer. Good night, moon.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Just Be Yourself
I watched a really good movie last night. I did write a little bit before watching the movie, so there.
I've had this film in my Netflix streaming queue for awhile, but haven't had a chance to watch it. Last night as I scrolled past I picked it because the rest of my family doesn't necessarily want to watch romances... not to mention a transgender romance! The film had originally caught my eye because I recognized Michael Welch on the cover. I've been a fan of his since Joan of Arcadia. He played Joan's little brother.
The movie is called Boy Meets Girl. It is the story of Ricky, a transgender girl living in a small Kentucky town. She's a waitress by day and a fashion designer by night. Though at first it appears to be a lighthearted story about her daily life, it is so much deeper. I burst into tears at the ending. Happy tears. I seem to do that a lot lately.
It's official. I have become my mother. I used to tease her so much about crying over movies. She used to call me the rock because I never did. The tide has turned. Literally. It now runs down my face during emotional movies and songs.
FYI, the main character Ricky is played by a real transgender actress named Michelle Hendley. I was curious about her and looked up her YouTube videos. Here is one about her transition. It's amazing!
Remember, it's better to always be yourself.
I've had this film in my Netflix streaming queue for awhile, but haven't had a chance to watch it. Last night as I scrolled past I picked it because the rest of my family doesn't necessarily want to watch romances... not to mention a transgender romance! The film had originally caught my eye because I recognized Michael Welch on the cover. I've been a fan of his since Joan of Arcadia. He played Joan's little brother.
The movie is called Boy Meets Girl. It is the story of Ricky, a transgender girl living in a small Kentucky town. She's a waitress by day and a fashion designer by night. Though at first it appears to be a lighthearted story about her daily life, it is so much deeper. I burst into tears at the ending. Happy tears. I seem to do that a lot lately.
It's official. I have become my mother. I used to tease her so much about crying over movies. She used to call me the rock because I never did. The tide has turned. Literally. It now runs down my face during emotional movies and songs.
FYI, the main character Ricky is played by a real transgender actress named Michelle Hendley. I was curious about her and looked up her YouTube videos. Here is one about her transition. It's amazing!
Remember, it's better to always be yourself.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
I Got Nothing

Remember, there is no right way to write a novel.
It's the re-write that's important.
Write on!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Getting Goosebumps
I found my notes for my old book. Actually it's meant to be a book series, along the lines of Goosebumps, but not scary. It's more supernatural humor. Nobody is getting tortured or killed in my books, if I can help it. Sorry.
In my notes I had listed plot ideas for several books. I totally did not remember this! It made me wonder how R.L. Stine wrote, so I went to his website hoping for some tips. While there I found a page for teachers, which included a download of a free writing program! YES!!! Okay, technically, it is a classroom activity kit, but I'm still a kid at heart, and a student of life. This kit is to help writers get over their fear of writing...just what I needed.
Thank you, R.L. Stine!
In my notes I had listed plot ideas for several books. I totally did not remember this! It made me wonder how R.L. Stine wrote, so I went to his website hoping for some tips. While there I found a page for teachers, which included a download of a free writing program! YES!!! Okay, technically, it is a classroom activity kit, but I'm still a kid at heart, and a student of life. This kit is to help writers get over their fear of writing...just what I needed.
Thank you, R.L. Stine!
Friday, July 10, 2015

Don’t write the parts people don’t read. ~ Elmore Leonard
That really stood out for me because I sometimes find myself glazing over whenever there is too much description in a scene. There have been many books I've enjoyed, but still had to zoom through paragraphs because the author got too wordy. I think it's okay to let the reader form their own visuals. You don't have to explain every square inch of a room, or explain every single thought in a character's head. Well, maybe if it's a mystery or crime drama you might need to know. But that's not my genre.
I will keep this quote mind as I embark on my story... which I still have not started up again. I have yet to write those character studies I meant to do a few weeks ago. Sorry, me. I'm holding you back again. Just write. Anything! It can all be changed later.
No worries.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
While the Cat's Away
I have found my writer's retreat and it's called a staycation. My family is away at Comic-Con this weekend, so I am going to use my time wisely and just curl up on the sofa and write, write, WRITE!
I went grocery shopping at Sprouts and plan to eat mainly fruit and veggies (like I always should). Today I had a banana and green tea for breakfast, celery and peanut butter for lunch and a fruit and kale smoothie for dinner. I thought about baking some granola bars, too, but I'm still full from the smoothie. I'll have some popcorn later if I get hungry.
I also bought an essential oil mist called "Chill Pill", which is mainly a combination of orange, lavender, patchouli and peppermint. Hopefully it will keep me from stressing out over storyline details. It does smell good. It's funny, I cannot handle perfumes or scented lotions, but I'm totally fine with essential oils.
Have a relaxing evening.
I went grocery shopping at Sprouts and plan to eat mainly fruit and veggies (like I always should). Today I had a banana and green tea for breakfast, celery and peanut butter for lunch and a fruit and kale smoothie for dinner. I thought about baking some granola bars, too, but I'm still full from the smoothie. I'll have some popcorn later if I get hungry.
I also bought an essential oil mist called "Chill Pill", which is mainly a combination of orange, lavender, patchouli and peppermint. Hopefully it will keep me from stressing out over storyline details. It does smell good. It's funny, I cannot handle perfumes or scented lotions, but I'm totally fine with essential oils.
Have a relaxing evening.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Pay It Forward
A friend just shared this video and I am crying my eyes out! Can you watch this video without feeling something? If it moves you, that should prove that you care, even if you thought you didn't.
Imagine if everyone in the world took one minute each day to perform a random act of kindness. What a beautiful world this would be.
Remember to pay it forward. Make someone's day. The smallest bit of kindness you give to another can ripple out to affect so many others in a positive way.
Even if it's just a smile... or a grocery bill.
Imagine if everyone in the world took one minute each day to perform a random act of kindness. What a beautiful world this would be.
Remember to pay it forward. Make someone's day. The smallest bit of kindness you give to another can ripple out to affect so many others in a positive way.
Even if it's just a smile... or a grocery bill.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Stay Positive
Dear friends, it seems I have gotten off track on this blog.
In the beginning I said I was going to start each day with a word of gratitude and an observation. Well, the observations have been there, but oh so negative lately!
It is very important to start off the day being grateful for whatever comes. Life is to be experienced, not just lived. We learn from each obstacle. The trick is navigating around it, while keeping your positive outlook. I haven't been doing so well with that. This, like I said, is why I stopped watching the news. It just makes me so angry.
Deep breath. Ahh...
Now greet the day with a smile and don't let the small stuff take it away. And it's all small stuff. The trick is remembering that. Need a little inspiration? Check out Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life by Richard Carlson.
Until then, just "fake it 'til you make it".
In the beginning I said I was going to start each day with a word of gratitude and an observation. Well, the observations have been there, but oh so negative lately!
It is very important to start off the day being grateful for whatever comes. Life is to be experienced, not just lived. We learn from each obstacle. The trick is navigating around it, while keeping your positive outlook. I haven't been doing so well with that. This, like I said, is why I stopped watching the news. It just makes me so angry.
Deep breath. Ahh...
Now greet the day with a smile and don't let the small stuff take it away. And it's all small stuff. The trick is remembering that. Need a little inspiration? Check out Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life by Richard Carlson.
Until then, just "fake it 'til you make it".
Monday, July 6, 2015
Plumber Cracked

Last week we discovered that the drywall behind our water heater was disintegrating. I noticed the wall looked sort of bubbly, and when I touched it, my finger went right through. I called in a drywall repairman to see if he could tell what had caused it. He knew right away there was a leak in the pipe behind the wall. It was covered with corrosion. Great. I called a few plumbers to come in and bid on repiping the whole house, since it is over 60 years old and we probably need them.
One of the plumbers showed up while we weren't here. My husband had forgotten he was coming. Hubby immediately called to apologize and made a new appointment for today. Well Plumber Guy did not show up. Was that to get back at my husband? If so, that's no way to run a business. I won't be calling that guy back.
What has been your experience dealing with repairmen?
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Winning Isn't Everything
No, winning isn't everything, but it sure is fun! Especially when it's something you really want!
Today I went to the Pop Culture event for OUTLANDER at our local Barnes and Noble. I told my husband they were giving away prizes, the dvd set of season one, volume one and THE OUTLANDISH COMPANION, which is like the encyclopedia of the OUTLANDER universe. Since I already owned the dvd set I had my fingers crossed for the book.
Fortunately, my daughter and I were the only fans who showed up at this particular B&N. I was shocked. I bet the others were all at the store across town. I won the book by default. Hey, I'll take it! Sadly, they didn't have a dvd set to give away or I would've happily taken that, too, to trade in for volume 2 when it finally comes out in a few months.
Did I mention how much I love OUTLANDER??? Still haven't watched the show? Check out this behind-the-scenes video and see if it grabs you. The book is even better.
Today I went to the Pop Culture event for OUTLANDER at our local Barnes and Noble. I told my husband they were giving away prizes, the dvd set of season one, volume one and THE OUTLANDISH COMPANION, which is like the encyclopedia of the OUTLANDER universe. Since I already owned the dvd set I had my fingers crossed for the book.
Fortunately, my daughter and I were the only fans who showed up at this particular B&N. I was shocked. I bet the others were all at the store across town. I won the book by default. Hey, I'll take it! Sadly, they didn't have a dvd set to give away or I would've happily taken that, too, to trade in for volume 2 when it finally comes out in a few months.
Did I mention how much I love OUTLANDER??? Still haven't watched the show? Check out this behind-the-scenes video and see if it grabs you. The book is even better.
An Inside Look at "Outlander"
Go behind-the-scenes with the cast and crew of Starz's hit series, "Outlander!"
Posted by Backstage on Friday, June 19, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Happy Independence Day
Or should I say, Happy Treason Day!
I was all ready to post a diatribe about the evils of illegal fireworks, when I saw this image online and burst out laughing. Thank you, Sinclair!
I am currently reading the Outlander book series, which is about this very subject. The story takes place during Scottish rebellion against the British. The Scots were forced to give their allegiance to a greedy monarch who stormed their country and kicked out their own king. Those who wanted to bring back their true king organized a rebellion. Most of those soldiers--having been sleep deprived and starving to death--were slaughtered. The rest were eventually rounded up and either shot, hanged or imprisoned as traitors of England. I am pretty sure the story is headed toward the American Revolution. It is currently 1755, and I know the characters move to the colonies in a few years.
So, Happy Treason Day, America! Your ancestors fought for independence so we could all be free here (most of us, anyway). Let's remember that and be considerate to your neighbors, no matter what their beliefs, color or sexual orientation. We are all equal in the eyes of God.
Oh, and just a short diatribe. If fireworks are legal in your area, it is your responsibility to shoot them off someplace safe, not in your neighbors back yard!!!
I was all ready to post a diatribe about the evils of illegal fireworks, when I saw this image online and burst out laughing. Thank you, Sinclair!
I am currently reading the Outlander book series, which is about this very subject. The story takes place during Scottish rebellion against the British. The Scots were forced to give their allegiance to a greedy monarch who stormed their country and kicked out their own king. Those who wanted to bring back their true king organized a rebellion. Most of those soldiers--having been sleep deprived and starving to death--were slaughtered. The rest were eventually rounded up and either shot, hanged or imprisoned as traitors of England. I am pretty sure the story is headed toward the American Revolution. It is currently 1755, and I know the characters move to the colonies in a few years.
So, Happy Treason Day, America! Your ancestors fought for independence so we could all be free here (most of us, anyway). Let's remember that and be considerate to your neighbors, no matter what their beliefs, color or sexual orientation. We are all equal in the eyes of God.
Oh, and just a short diatribe. If fireworks are legal in your area, it is your responsibility to shoot them off someplace safe, not in your neighbors back yard!!!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Do you ever have one of those days when you just don't want to get out of bed? You hear the radio alarm come on and ignore it, then when it stops you lie there and stare at the ceiling for a minute before picking up a book.
"Oh, crap, I gotta get up." You set your book down and haul your butt out of bed, shuffling to the bathroom.
Suddenly you remember all the things you were going to do when you got up this morning, but it's too late to do them. Now you're rushing to get ready, bitching to yourself about procrastination. You'll do better tomorrow.
Heck, you can do better today! Get yourself out the door, look at a tree or a cloud and think about how beautiful the world is. Now stop whining and go do something productive!
Do you ever have one of those days when you just don't want to get out of bed? You hear the radio alarm come on and ignore it, then when it stops you lie there and stare at the ceiling for a minute before picking up a book.
"Oh, crap, I gotta get up." You set your book down and haul your butt out of bed, shuffling to the bathroom.
Suddenly you remember all the things you were going to do when you got up this morning, but it's too late to do them. Now you're rushing to get ready, bitching to yourself about procrastination. You'll do better tomorrow.
Heck, you can do better today! Get yourself out the door, look at a tree or a cloud and think about how beautiful the world is. Now stop whining and go do something productive!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
I Have No Words
Arsonists Strike Black Churches Across The South
There is no excuse for this.I am not religious, but burning down places where people go to learn how to love everyone unconditionally is just inhumane. These monsters who burn down churches need to be stopped. I am hoping that people these days are less tolerant of their racist friends and family members and will report these "people".
I am not smiling today.
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