She slapped her hand against the stone wall. No matter how much plaster was slathered over it, the imposing weight of what was beneath radiated through.
"Miss Hopewell, I have your dinner."
She turned to see Frannie or Fanny. Or was it Federica? It seemed like her mother hired a new lady's maid every other month. What had been the problem with Anna? Was it that she had been too nice? Carina still longed for her first maid, Beth. They had been close in age and she had sorely needed a friend when she had first come home from boarding school. She heaved out a sigh. There was no point dwelling on the past. It had been two years.
Now her life was this tower cell awaiting an arranged marriage.
"Thank you, um--"
"Francesca, Miss."
"Yes, thank you, Francesca." Carina sat down to dine on roast beef and asparagus in a rich cream sauce. One would suppose when one lived on an island there would be an abundance of seafood. Of course, since it was her favorite, her parents would never serve it. God forbid, they allow their daughter a modicum of pleasure. She chewed the beef slowly, while longing for branzino.
"Will there be anything else, Miss?"
"No, thank you. Good night." She watched her maid leave then set down her fork. She got up and went back to the window. She let the waves calm her worried mind.
Out in the distance, still out of sight, a small ship with black sails crept around the far side of the island.
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Thank you for sharing your kind words...