"What ye be doin' out here, boyo?" Old Jim croaked. "Dreaming again?"
"Drinking again, Jim?"
"Always!" He laughed and tottered off.
Poor Jim. He hadn't been the same since his wife died last year. He had been out on a job when she passed. Fortunately their three sons were there taking care of her. Jim had provided for his family the best way he knew how, even if he had missed out on raising his children.
Edward knew he would never have a family of his own. He could never give up this life and he would not want to abandon his family. A ship was no place to raise children.
After one last gaze out at the waves he walked around the deck, inspecting rigging and making sure everyone was doing their jobs. He had come a long way since his thankless job as cabin boy.
"Evenin', Eddie!"
"Evenin' Cookie. Out for a smoke?"
"That and some fresh air, mate. It's hotter than Hades down below, especially in the kitchen."
"That it is. It's calm enough to sleep on deck tonight, if you prefer."
"I might indeed."
"And I just might join you." With a pat on his back from Cookie, Edward finished up his rounds, before heading down below to the Captain's quarters. He rapped quietly before stepping inside. He walked over to the bed and looked down at his mentor.
"Ah, Edward my boy, you're here."
"And where else would I be, Sir?"
"Oh, I don't know. Out looking for mermaids, perhaps? You're a fine looking lad. They would not be able to resist you." He laughed until he started wheezing.
Edward quickly helped him sit up. "Here now." He grabbed a mug off the table and made him drink.
"What would I have done without you these last few years? You are literally my right hand." He waved his stump of an arm in the air then let it drop to stare at the wall.
This strange behavior was happening with more frequency. Edward had secretly been making all decisions for years, ever since their ship had been bombed by an enemy of The Crown. The Captain had been severely injured and had never fully recovered. He made an appearance to the crew every now and then, but usually it was to tell them all that Edward was in charge when he wasn't around. That hadn't been a problem, as he was well liked by all. He just didn't want to make all the decisions alone. Sadly, his captain could no longer help him.
After seeing to his captain's comfort Edward went back to his favorite spot on deck, staring out at the waves. A point of light caught his eye and he glanced up. It looked like a window. He pulled out his spyglass.
Gazing out of that window was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen!
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