Friday, April 22, 2016

Writing Challenge Day 22 - Morning Routine

Flash Fiction Challenge Day 22 - Your morning routine.

I wake each morning just before the sun rises. My internal clock wakes me.

I say my prayers and thank The Lord for the bounty he has blessed upon my family.

I get up and pour fresh water into a bowl and use a well worn cloth to quickly bathe myself. Cleanliness is next to godliness. That phrase has been drummed into me since I was a small child.

I put on my sturdiest dress and head into the kitchen to prepare the morning meal. I light the stove and heat water in the kettle. I cook some oatmeal and scramble the few eggs I gathered yesterday.

My husband and son walk in and greet me with hugs and kisses. They thank me for taking such good care of them.

We all sit together and enjoy our meal, talking about our plans for the day.

Life on a ranch is hard work, but it is very rewarding.

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