Flash Fiction Challenge Day 15 - Three Pet Peeves
Nobody likes a bully. Harold despised them. He wanted to rid the world of them all. They were domestic terrorists, every one of them! He imagined himself as a superhero flying around the town in search of those cretins. He would use x-ray vision to look through buildings and super-hearing to listen for their bragging monologues.
"I am king of this school, punk. Nobody can touch me! If you want to survive you will give me your lunch money every day until I say otherwise. Got it?"
Superkid to the rescue! He flew into the parking lot of the school and grabbed the bigger kid, using his super-strength to lift him by his shirt. "Your bullying and bragging days are over, you meanie!"
"I'm sorry, Superkid! I promise I will change my ways!"
"I will hold you to that. I never forget a promise."
He flew away, waving at the boys, who were now shaking hands. Ah, it was great to be a hero. Loud rock 'n' roll music blared from a car as it pulled into the school parking lot. Harold grabbed his ears, having been abruptly shaken from his daydream. Why couldn't people be more considerate? Music was to be enjoyed and appreciated, not inflicted noisily upon non-receptive listeners. He couldn't stand obnoxious self-centered people. Maybe he would start his superhero career by stealing that creep's car radio?
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