One thing you're excited for...
This is the last day of the 30-Day Writing Challenge! Hallelujah! Although it has been a flash fiction challenge for me this entire time, I am making today's entry non-fiction.
That's because when I saw the subject I literally got excited.
The first thing that popped into my head was, "I can finally stop worrying about this stupid daily challenge and focus on my "real" writing. Yeah, I know it's all real writing, but for some reason this daily challenge became a chore. My heart wasn't in it. Plus it was keeping me from what I really wanted to work on. I may have written a few lines here and there, but mostly I kept thinking about this blog. I had to make sure I got my daily entry finished before I could work on my book. Then something would distract me and I let it slip away.
It's so easy to make excuses for not writing.
But now that this 30-Day challenge has ended I feel like I can breathe again. I am looking forward to working on my various novels. I'm actually working on three projects simultaneously. I'm insane, I know. I just haven't found my niche yet, so I'm trying different things to see what sticks. And who's to say I won't write in different genres? I have favorite authors who do that and I enjoy all of their stories.
I will keep you posted.
On to the fun stuff.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 29 - Happy Birthday
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 29 - The night of your 21st birthday
"Viva Las Vegas!" Denny whooped and honked his horn in excitement as he and Sam sped down the highway.
"Are we there yet? I can't wait to see the Liberace Museum!"
Denny glanced at his best friend of ten years and tried not to slap him. "Sam, I know you're not gay, so please stop trying to confuse me."
"What are you talking about? The Liberace Museum is not gay!" Sam paused for a moment. "Okay, so maybe it's sorta gay. But it holds some of the most expensive pianos in the world! I wonder if they'd let me play one of them."
"I doubt it, but we could sneak past the ropes and I'll record you."
"That would be the coolest thing ever!"
"What about getting drunk? Or visiting the local whorehouse? Gambling? No?"
"I dunno, man."
"Don't worry, dude. I'm just kidding. I made reservations at The Excalibur and we have tickets to the jousting tournament show tonight."
"Then afterward we're heading over to Treasure Island to watch the pirate ship stunt show."
"Awesome!" Denny could feel Sam's energy buzzing and smiled. "I know what you like. Who says just because you turn 21 you have to drink and gamble? Vegas has much more to offer, like gondola rides, the world's highest roller coaster and the greatest magic acts on the planet."
"You're the best friend ever!"
"I know. Happy Birthday, man."
"Viva Las Vegas!" Denny whooped and honked his horn in excitement as he and Sam sped down the highway.
"Are we there yet? I can't wait to see the Liberace Museum!"
Denny glanced at his best friend of ten years and tried not to slap him. "Sam, I know you're not gay, so please stop trying to confuse me."
"What are you talking about? The Liberace Museum is not gay!" Sam paused for a moment. "Okay, so maybe it's sorta gay. But it holds some of the most expensive pianos in the world! I wonder if they'd let me play one of them."
"I doubt it, but we could sneak past the ropes and I'll record you."
"That would be the coolest thing ever!"
"What about getting drunk? Or visiting the local whorehouse? Gambling? No?"
"I dunno, man."
"Don't worry, dude. I'm just kidding. I made reservations at The Excalibur and we have tickets to the jousting tournament show tonight."
"Then afterward we're heading over to Treasure Island to watch the pirate ship stunt show."
"Awesome!" Denny could feel Sam's energy buzzing and smiled. "I know what you like. Who says just because you turn 21 you have to drink and gamble? Vegas has much more to offer, like gondola rides, the world's highest roller coaster and the greatest magic acts on the planet."
"You're the best friend ever!"
"I know. Happy Birthday, man."
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 28 - That Word
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 28 - The word/phrase you use constantly
"So Chandra and I were like hanging out at the mall ya know and this guy like totally hit on me!"
"Was he cute?"
"Eww, no! He was like thirty!"
"O.M.G., that's like so old!"
"I know, right? Chandra was like, 'eww' and then I was like 'eww' and then we were like so outta there."
"So Chandra and I were like hanging out at the mall ya know and this guy like totally hit on me!"
"Was he cute?"
"Eww, no! He was like thirty!"
"O.M.G., that's like so old!"
"I know, right? Chandra was like, 'eww' and then I was like 'eww' and then we were like so outta there."
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 27 - What You Wore Today
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 27 - What you wore today
Bob brushed away some lint and smoothed the soft fabric over his chest. It was so nice to wear something different today. He was tired of 3-piece suits. Just because he was a lawyer did he have to wear suits all the time?
In court he could understand the need to appear professional, but there was more to him than business. He stood a little taller. He hadn't even checked his appearance in the mirror yet, but already he felt freer. He strutted over to the bedroom door and closed it.
Red was definitely his color. He turned from side to side letting the fabric twirl around his ankles. The skirt was long, but short enough to show off his high heeled black leather boots. He looked beautiful. He wished he could dress like this every day.
Bob brushed away some lint and smoothed the soft fabric over his chest. It was so nice to wear something different today. He was tired of 3-piece suits. Just because he was a lawyer did he have to wear suits all the time?
In court he could understand the need to appear professional, but there was more to him than business. He stood a little taller. He hadn't even checked his appearance in the mirror yet, but already he felt freer. He strutted over to the bedroom door and closed it.
Red was definitely his color. He turned from side to side letting the fabric twirl around his ankles. The skirt was long, but short enough to show off his high heeled black leather boots. He looked beautiful. He wished he could dress like this every day.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 26 - A Letter to My Ex
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 26 - Things you'd say to an ex
Hey there!
I'm sure you thought you'd never hear from me again. I just found you on Facebook after all these years and I had to get some things off my chest. At the time of our breakup I was very bitter. I mean, come on. You were cheating on me with my best friend (no longer my friend in any capacity). You stole money out of my wallet on a regular basis, though I didn't care much at the time. You always had that way of distracting me. Then there was the time you took my dog to the pound. I know he smelled bad, but he had a condition. It wasn't his fault! But the main thing I wanted to say was that I did not deserve the abuse you heaped upon me! I am a good person who should be respected. You are just mean and selfish. I'm actually glad we broke up because now I have a wonderfully fulfilling relationship with someone who loves and respects me. We are getting married in the fall. So thank you for being such a jerk.
"Ahh, that felt so good! Buh-bye, Wanda, you bitch." Jonathan re-read the message and nodded with a smile. Then he hit the delete button and closed the browser window.
Hey there!
I'm sure you thought you'd never hear from me again. I just found you on Facebook after all these years and I had to get some things off my chest. At the time of our breakup I was very bitter. I mean, come on. You were cheating on me with my best friend (no longer my friend in any capacity). You stole money out of my wallet on a regular basis, though I didn't care much at the time. You always had that way of distracting me. Then there was the time you took my dog to the pound. I know he smelled bad, but he had a condition. It wasn't his fault! But the main thing I wanted to say was that I did not deserve the abuse you heaped upon me! I am a good person who should be respected. You are just mean and selfish. I'm actually glad we broke up because now I have a wonderfully fulfilling relationship with someone who loves and respects me. We are getting married in the fall. So thank you for being such a jerk.
"Ahh, that felt so good! Buh-bye, Wanda, you bitch." Jonathan re-read the message and nodded with a smile. Then he hit the delete button and closed the browser window.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 25 - Weird Traits
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 25 - Four weird traits you have
"You are so weird!"
Charlie looked up at Jazz with his pencil resting between his upper lip and his nose. "Huh?"
She pointed down at his sketch. "We were supposed to be drawing our innermost fears.
"Yeah. So?" The crease between his eyes told her he thought she was the weird one. She shook her head at him.
Pointing at his drawing she asked, "You're afraid of popcorn?"
He moved the pencil from his upper lip to between his teeth to chomp on it. He pulled it out and tapped the paper. "Not eating it, but the sound it makes when it cooks."
"The pop scares you?"
"Yeah. I also hate bubble wrap and those little caps kids throw on the ground at the flea market."
"Do you have PTSD or something?"
Charlie got a faraway look in his eyes. "When I was a kid some bullies once threw firecrackers at my feet."
"Oh my God! What happened?" Jazz sat down next to him. "Were you hurt?"
He shook his head. "Just scared the crap outta me. Those girls got detention for the entire school year."
"What about it?" He gave her a wary stare and stuck the pencil back in his mouth.
"Are you afraid of girls, too?"
"Mrbr," he mumbled around the pencil.
"You're not afraid of me are you?" She was shocked.
"Mrbr," he mumbled again sheepishly.
"Let me guess, you're also afraid of ducks and the color purple." Jazz started to laugh until she caught his flushed face.
"How did you know?"
"You are so weird!"
Charlie looked up at Jazz with his pencil resting between his upper lip and his nose. "Huh?"
She pointed down at his sketch. "We were supposed to be drawing our innermost fears.
"Yeah. So?" The crease between his eyes told her he thought she was the weird one. She shook her head at him.
Pointing at his drawing she asked, "You're afraid of popcorn?"
He moved the pencil from his upper lip to between his teeth to chomp on it. He pulled it out and tapped the paper. "Not eating it, but the sound it makes when it cooks."
"The pop scares you?"
"Yeah. I also hate bubble wrap and those little caps kids throw on the ground at the flea market."
"Do you have PTSD or something?"
Charlie got a faraway look in his eyes. "When I was a kid some bullies once threw firecrackers at my feet."
"Oh my God! What happened?" Jazz sat down next to him. "Were you hurt?"
He shook his head. "Just scared the crap outta me. Those girls got detention for the entire school year."
"What about it?" He gave her a wary stare and stuck the pencil back in his mouth.
"Are you afraid of girls, too?"
"Mrbr," he mumbled around the pencil.
"You're not afraid of me are you?" She was shocked.
"Mrbr," he mumbled again sheepishly.
"Let me guess, you're also afraid of ducks and the color purple." Jazz started to laugh until she caught his flushed face.
"How did you know?"
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 24 - Something You Miss
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 24 - Something you miss
It had been with me for so long. I can't even remember a time in my adult life that I didn't have it. It was who I am. My identity. Why did I ever listen to my mother? I guess I was trying to be a good son and please her. She never liked it. She thought it made me into someone I wasn't.
She was so wrong.
I look at myself today and I don't recognize the man in the mirror. I dislike this guy. Pierre was right. I should've never shaved my mustache.
It had been with me for so long. I can't even remember a time in my adult life that I didn't have it. It was who I am. My identity. Why did I ever listen to my mother? I guess I was trying to be a good son and please her. She never liked it. She thought it made me into someone I wasn't.
She was so wrong.
I look at myself today and I don't recognize the man in the mirror. I dislike this guy. Pierre was right. I should've never shaved my mustache.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 23 - That Family Member
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 23 - A family member you dislike.
"What did she say?"
"That you had chosen THAT lifestyle and you deserved whatever you got."
"I can't believe she said that about me. I thought she loved me."
"Aunt Lydia is just ignorant."
"She thinks I chose this lifestyle? And what exactly is this lifestyle anyway? I don't hang out in bars, I have a good job and I've never done anything illegal."
"To her being gay is illegal in the eyes of God."
"God made me this way, so it's His fault."
"Just don't go blaming God in front of her. That won't go over very well."
"Do you think I care? I'll be dead soon anyway,"
"What did she say?"
"That you had chosen THAT lifestyle and you deserved whatever you got."
"I can't believe she said that about me. I thought she loved me."
"Aunt Lydia is just ignorant."
"She thinks I chose this lifestyle? And what exactly is this lifestyle anyway? I don't hang out in bars, I have a good job and I've never done anything illegal."
"To her being gay is illegal in the eyes of God."
"God made me this way, so it's His fault."
"Just don't go blaming God in front of her. That won't go over very well."
"Do you think I care? I'll be dead soon anyway,"
Friday, April 22, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 22 - Morning Routine
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 22 - Your morning routine.
I wake each morning just before the sun rises. My internal clock wakes me.
I say my prayers and thank The Lord for the bounty he has blessed upon my family.
I get up and pour fresh water into a bowl and use a well worn cloth to quickly bathe myself. Cleanliness is next to godliness. That phrase has been drummed into me since I was a small child.
I put on my sturdiest dress and head into the kitchen to prepare the morning meal. I light the stove and heat water in the kettle. I cook some oatmeal and scramble the few eggs I gathered yesterday.
My husband and son walk in and greet me with hugs and kisses. They thank me for taking such good care of them.
We all sit together and enjoy our meal, talking about our plans for the day.
Life on a ranch is hard work, but it is very rewarding.
I wake each morning just before the sun rises. My internal clock wakes me.
I say my prayers and thank The Lord for the bounty he has blessed upon my family.
I get up and pour fresh water into a bowl and use a well worn cloth to quickly bathe myself. Cleanliness is next to godliness. That phrase has been drummed into me since I was a small child.
I put on my sturdiest dress and head into the kitchen to prepare the morning meal. I light the stove and heat water in the kettle. I cook some oatmeal and scramble the few eggs I gathered yesterday.
My husband and son walk in and greet me with hugs and kisses. They thank me for taking such good care of them.
We all sit together and enjoy our meal, talking about our plans for the day.
Life on a ranch is hard work, but it is very rewarding.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 21 - The Horoscope
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 21 - Your zodiac/horoscope and whether you think it fits you.
"Oh my God, you have got to listen to your horoscope!" Basil ran into the office and waved the newspaper.
Trevor shook his head. "I can't believe you still read that crap. We're not kids anymore." He tried to ignore his friend and business partner. "You do realize we have a product to ship out this week?"
"Yeah, I know! That's why I have to read this to you! Listen."
Trevor groaned, knowing there was no escape. Since they were kids, Basil had religiously read his horoscope and then the one for each of his closest friends.
"Your business ventures come to a head this week when an important deal comes to fruition." Basil put the paper down and smiled like a crazy person. "Well?"
"Well what?"
"This means everything is going to be a huge success! Why aren't you more excited?"
"I'm stressed out, trying to get to these last minute details by myself because my business partner is too busy reading lame ass woo woo crap to help me!"
"Geez, you don't have to shout. I was just trying to bring you some good news."
"I'm sorry, man. I know you mean well, but the only reason we are going to be a success is because we worked our asses off and we deserve it. But thank you. Now get to work. We have a deadline."
"Okay. Oh, but first I need to go read Jackie her horoscope." Basil ran out of the office, leaving Trevor staring after him in disbelief.
"Oh my God, you have got to listen to your horoscope!" Basil ran into the office and waved the newspaper.
Trevor shook his head. "I can't believe you still read that crap. We're not kids anymore." He tried to ignore his friend and business partner. "You do realize we have a product to ship out this week?"
"Yeah, I know! That's why I have to read this to you! Listen."
Trevor groaned, knowing there was no escape. Since they were kids, Basil had religiously read his horoscope and then the one for each of his closest friends.
"Your business ventures come to a head this week when an important deal comes to fruition." Basil put the paper down and smiled like a crazy person. "Well?"
"Well what?"
"This means everything is going to be a huge success! Why aren't you more excited?"
"I'm stressed out, trying to get to these last minute details by myself because my business partner is too busy reading lame ass woo woo crap to help me!"
"Geez, you don't have to shout. I was just trying to bring you some good news."
"I'm sorry, man. I know you mean well, but the only reason we are going to be a success is because we worked our asses off and we deserve it. But thank you. Now get to work. We have a deadline."
"Okay. Oh, but first I need to go read Jackie her horoscope." Basil ran out of the office, leaving Trevor staring after him in disbelief.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 20 - Three Songs
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 20 - Put your music player on shuffle and write the first three songs that play and what your initial thought is.
Jessie tapped his pencil against his math book, bobbing his head to the music in his ear buds. "...cuz I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is giving a high five," he sang softly. Alanis Morissette was so cool, so hopeful. Hopefully she could help him get through this chapter on linear equations. God, how he hated math.
He pulled out his iPod and tapped the shuffle button. The Corrs' Runaway flowed through him, each piano note playing on his heart. He shut his eyes and let his problems drift away. Math could wait a few minutes. This was one of his favorite songs. Yeah, it was sort of girly, but the tune always made him feel like nothing could touch him. The power of music, he supposed.
As the song faded away he cracked open his math book once more. The fast guitar licks of Green Day's Basket Case made him perk up. He whipped his hair back and forth, feeling the joy bubble up inside him as the drums kicked in. "I will master you, algebra!" He shook his fist at the page over and over in time with the music, before hunkering down to study.
Jessie tapped his pencil against his math book, bobbing his head to the music in his ear buds. "...cuz I got one hand in my pocket and the other one is giving a high five," he sang softly. Alanis Morissette was so cool, so hopeful. Hopefully she could help him get through this chapter on linear equations. God, how he hated math.
He pulled out his iPod and tapped the shuffle button. The Corrs' Runaway flowed through him, each piano note playing on his heart. He shut his eyes and let his problems drift away. Math could wait a few minutes. This was one of his favorite songs. Yeah, it was sort of girly, but the tune always made him feel like nothing could touch him. The power of music, he supposed.
As the song faded away he cracked open his math book once more. The fast guitar licks of Green Day's Basket Case made him perk up. He whipped his hair back and forth, feeling the joy bubble up inside him as the drums kicked in. "I will master you, algebra!" He shook his fist at the page over and over in time with the music, before hunkering down to study.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 19 - Five Fears
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 19 - Five fears that you have.
Some people have the smallest fears but they just feel so huge to them.
"Did you check the door?"
"Yes, dear."
"This neighborhood isn't the greatest, you know!"
"I know, dear."
"Oh, did you turn off the clothes dryer?"
"Yes, dear."
"Lint fires happen all the time."
"Mm hmm."
"Did you remember to post that check to the water company? It was overdue!"
"Yes, dear."
"No water, we die. Dehydration is no joke!"
"Yes, dear. I mean no, dear."
"Is the window closed all the way? I heard they were going to spray for medflies again!"
"Yes, dear."
"You don't want to get poisoned in your sleep, do you? I heard that poison causes paralysis! Then you stop breathing!"
"Windows are closed."
"Thank you, sweetie."
"You're welcome, dear."
"Oh, no!"
"What is it, dear?"
"I completely forgot to go shopping today! We have nothing for breakfast! I'm a terrible wife. I'm so sorry, sweetie. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Stop worrying about everything. All is well. I love you and you could never be a terrible wife. We can just go out for breakfast in the morning."
"You're too good to me."
"I know, dear."
"Good night, sweetie."
"Good night, dear."
Some people have the smallest fears but they just feel so huge to them.
"Did you check the door?"
"Yes, dear."
"This neighborhood isn't the greatest, you know!"
"I know, dear."
"Oh, did you turn off the clothes dryer?"
"Yes, dear."
"Lint fires happen all the time."
"Mm hmm."
"Did you remember to post that check to the water company? It was overdue!"
"Yes, dear."
"No water, we die. Dehydration is no joke!"
"Yes, dear. I mean no, dear."
"Is the window closed all the way? I heard they were going to spray for medflies again!"
"Yes, dear."
"You don't want to get poisoned in your sleep, do you? I heard that poison causes paralysis! Then you stop breathing!"
"Windows are closed."
"Thank you, sweetie."
"You're welcome, dear."
"Oh, no!"
"What is it, dear?"
"I completely forgot to go shopping today! We have nothing for breakfast! I'm a terrible wife. I'm so sorry, sweetie. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Stop worrying about everything. All is well. I love you and you could never be a terrible wife. We can just go out for breakfast in the morning."
"You're too good to me."
"I know, dear."
"Good night, sweetie."
"Good night, dear."
Monday, April 18, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 18 - Favorite Color
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 18 - Your favorite color and why
Black. Definitely black.
I check my appearance one more time in the mirror and nod. I look good. Powerful. Strong. Like my grandfather. He wore black.
The color, or lack of color, simply screams, "You better run and hide because this guy is going to hurt you." The helmet helps, too. Mine is a bit different than his, but it's definitely an homage. He was a great man. He was going to bring order to the galaxy. I am going to finish what he started.
I look at my reflection one last time and notice something on the front of my shirt. "Dammit! I can't address the assembly with food stains on my clothing! Nobody is going to take me seriously looking like a slob! Why does this always happen to me!" I pick up a chair and hurl it into the mirror, sending glass shards flying across the room.
I take a deep breath and calm myself. I go to my closet and retrieve a large black scarf, one my mother gave me years ago. I'm not sure why I kept it, but it was a good thing I did. I drape it across my chest and overlap it, letting it fall down my back like a cape. I shrug. It'll do. I was thinking of a re-design of my uniform anyway.
Black. Definitely black.
I check my appearance one more time in the mirror and nod. I look good. Powerful. Strong. Like my grandfather. He wore black.
The color, or lack of color, simply screams, "You better run and hide because this guy is going to hurt you." The helmet helps, too. Mine is a bit different than his, but it's definitely an homage. He was a great man. He was going to bring order to the galaxy. I am going to finish what he started.
I look at my reflection one last time and notice something on the front of my shirt. "Dammit! I can't address the assembly with food stains on my clothing! Nobody is going to take me seriously looking like a slob! Why does this always happen to me!" I pick up a chair and hurl it into the mirror, sending glass shards flying across the room.
I take a deep breath and calm myself. I go to my closet and retrieve a large black scarf, one my mother gave me years ago. I'm not sure why I kept it, but it was a good thing I did. I drape it across my chest and overlap it, letting it fall down my back like a cape. I shrug. It'll do. I was thinking of a re-design of my uniform anyway.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 17 - A Quote to Live By

"Live simply," Lenny murmured to himself as he gazed longingly at the sleek red sports car. He didn't need that thing. He shook his head. Nope. There was no reason in the world he had to own a little red Corvette, aside from the fact that it would be a total chick magnet. He growled and forced himself to turn away.
Oh, look, a cute silver Prius. Practical, economical and environmentally aware. Not only would he be able to cut back on gasoline, he would be able to charge the car and run it on battery most of the time. The gas would only be necessary for longer excursions.
He ran his hand along the hatchback and felt his body calm. "Slow and steady wins the race," he reminded himself before walking off to find a salesman.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 16 - The To Do List
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 16 - Bullet your entire day.
- 7 am - Meditate
- 8 am - Eat light breakfast
- 8:30 am - Jog around block
- 9 am - Shower
- 10 am - Study map of parade route again
- 10:30 am - Clean gun
- 11 am - Find parking and get into position
- 12:30 pm - Take out target
- 12:45 pm - Frame Oswald
- 1:30 pm - Debrief
- 3 pm - Leave country
- 3:01 pm - Destroy this to do list
Friday, April 15, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 15 - Pet Peeves
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 15 - Three Pet Peeves
Nobody likes a bully. Harold despised them. He wanted to rid the world of them all. They were domestic terrorists, every one of them! He imagined himself as a superhero flying around the town in search of those cretins. He would use x-ray vision to look through buildings and super-hearing to listen for their bragging monologues.
"I am king of this school, punk. Nobody can touch me! If you want to survive you will give me your lunch money every day until I say otherwise. Got it?"
Superkid to the rescue! He flew into the parking lot of the school and grabbed the bigger kid, using his super-strength to lift him by his shirt. "Your bullying and bragging days are over, you meanie!"
"I'm sorry, Superkid! I promise I will change my ways!"
"I will hold you to that. I never forget a promise."
He flew away, waving at the boys, who were now shaking hands. Ah, it was great to be a hero. Loud rock 'n' roll music blared from a car as it pulled into the school parking lot. Harold grabbed his ears, having been abruptly shaken from his daydream. Why couldn't people be more considerate? Music was to be enjoyed and appreciated, not inflicted noisily upon non-receptive listeners. He couldn't stand obnoxious self-centered people. Maybe he would start his superhero career by stealing that creep's car radio?
Nobody likes a bully. Harold despised them. He wanted to rid the world of them all. They were domestic terrorists, every one of them! He imagined himself as a superhero flying around the town in search of those cretins. He would use x-ray vision to look through buildings and super-hearing to listen for their bragging monologues.
"I am king of this school, punk. Nobody can touch me! If you want to survive you will give me your lunch money every day until I say otherwise. Got it?"
Superkid to the rescue! He flew into the parking lot of the school and grabbed the bigger kid, using his super-strength to lift him by his shirt. "Your bullying and bragging days are over, you meanie!"
"I'm sorry, Superkid! I promise I will change my ways!"
"I will hold you to that. I never forget a promise."
He flew away, waving at the boys, who were now shaking hands. Ah, it was great to be a hero. Loud rock 'n' roll music blared from a car as it pulled into the school parking lot. Harold grabbed his ears, having been abruptly shaken from his daydream. Why couldn't people be more considerate? Music was to be enjoyed and appreciated, not inflicted noisily upon non-receptive listeners. He couldn't stand obnoxious self-centered people. Maybe he would start his superhero career by stealing that creep's car radio?
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 14 - Seven Years from Now
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 14 - Your life in 7 years
The assignment was passed around the classroom.
"Where do you see yourself in seven years?"
Sheila had never really thought about her future. Life was all about making it through another day with her body and spirit intact. Avoid Mom when she's drinking, stay away from Dad when he's home.
She repeated the question again to herself. She heard other kids laughing and teasing each other.
"I'm gonna be a dancer on Broadway!"
"You'll be a dancer all right, but at my strip club! Hah!"
"I'm going to marry a rich doctor."
"There ain't no rich doctors, babe. They're all broke because of Obamacare."
"That's not true! Is it?"
Sheila stared at the blank paper and knew where she wanted to be. She wrote quickly before she let her mind tell her what she couldn't do.
Mrs. Thompson stood up. "Would anyone like to read theirs to the class? Remember, there's no right or wrong answer, just a thoughtful one."
Sheila took a deep breath and raised her hand. It was time to speak her truth, make things happen. The first step was to say it out loud. Mrs. Thompson nodded at her with a smile. "Go ahead, Sheila."
"Um, this is where I would like to be in seven years. After winning a full scholarship to Harvard University I will complete my law degree and graduate at the top of my class. I will set up a private practice and a non-profit organization to help abused teenagers become emancipated minors and find safe homes where they can study in peace and work toward their future careers, by helping them get full scholarships, too." She cleared her throat and sat down.
The room was silent. Mrs. Thompson wiped away a tear, obviously unable to speak. Finally, Brett tapped on her chair from behind. "I sure could've used that this year. I hope you make it happen, Sheila."
She smiled to herself. She would do her best. All she needed was the scholarship.
"Sheila, please see me after class. I think I may be able to help you out with part of that plan."
Sheila gasped. Was that all it took? "Ask and you will receive," she whispered.
The assignment was passed around the classroom.
"Where do you see yourself in seven years?"
Sheila had never really thought about her future. Life was all about making it through another day with her body and spirit intact. Avoid Mom when she's drinking, stay away from Dad when he's home.
She repeated the question again to herself. She heard other kids laughing and teasing each other.
"I'm gonna be a dancer on Broadway!"
"You'll be a dancer all right, but at my strip club! Hah!"
"I'm going to marry a rich doctor."
"There ain't no rich doctors, babe. They're all broke because of Obamacare."
"That's not true! Is it?"
Sheila stared at the blank paper and knew where she wanted to be. She wrote quickly before she let her mind tell her what she couldn't do.
Mrs. Thompson stood up. "Would anyone like to read theirs to the class? Remember, there's no right or wrong answer, just a thoughtful one."
Sheila took a deep breath and raised her hand. It was time to speak her truth, make things happen. The first step was to say it out loud. Mrs. Thompson nodded at her with a smile. "Go ahead, Sheila."
"Um, this is where I would like to be in seven years. After winning a full scholarship to Harvard University I will complete my law degree and graduate at the top of my class. I will set up a private practice and a non-profit organization to help abused teenagers become emancipated minors and find safe homes where they can study in peace and work toward their future careers, by helping them get full scholarships, too." She cleared her throat and sat down.
The room was silent. Mrs. Thompson wiped away a tear, obviously unable to speak. Finally, Brett tapped on her chair from behind. "I sure could've used that this year. I hope you make it happen, Sheila."
She smiled to herself. She would do her best. All she needed was the scholarship.
"Sheila, please see me after class. I think I may be able to help you out with part of that plan."
Sheila gasped. Was that all it took? "Ask and you will receive," she whispered.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 13 - The Commute
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 13 - Your commute to and from work/school/etc.
The daily commute to school was a mind-numbing experience.
Martha arrived at the bus stop at precisely 7:05 am; the bus was always on time. At 7:15 am the doors hissed open and the kids filed on. The back seat was avoided by all but Martha, who was not interested in socializing. Being a Senior, she was too mature. While the other kids chatted and laughed and tossed papers back and forth, she stared out the back window.
It was always the same view, which was fine with her. It kept her mind off school. She enjoyed watching the scenery go by: Mr. Hadley's hardware store, Ms. Parker's beauty salon, Buster's soda shop, the police station, fire station, followed by fields and fields of cows or wheat or corn.
Nothing ever changed. The view was the same as the day before. Her eyes relaxed and she let the drone of the children's voices roll over her. A flash of light caught her peripheral vision. She turned toward it and saw what looked like a meteorite and a fiery tail off in the distance, maybe ten miles or so. She would mention it to Jonathan when she got to class. They could go exploring after school, since it was Friday. Imagine if they made some grand discovery together, perhaps get the meteorite named after them!
She kept her gaze on the distance while the bus slowed. Suddenly she was excited. It would not be just another day at Smallville High!
The daily commute to school was a mind-numbing experience.
Martha arrived at the bus stop at precisely 7:05 am; the bus was always on time. At 7:15 am the doors hissed open and the kids filed on. The back seat was avoided by all but Martha, who was not interested in socializing. Being a Senior, she was too mature. While the other kids chatted and laughed and tossed papers back and forth, she stared out the back window.
It was always the same view, which was fine with her. It kept her mind off school. She enjoyed watching the scenery go by: Mr. Hadley's hardware store, Ms. Parker's beauty salon, Buster's soda shop, the police station, fire station, followed by fields and fields of cows or wheat or corn.
Nothing ever changed. The view was the same as the day before. Her eyes relaxed and she let the drone of the children's voices roll over her. A flash of light caught her peripheral vision. She turned toward it and saw what looked like a meteorite and a fiery tail off in the distance, maybe ten miles or so. She would mention it to Jonathan when she got to class. They could go exploring after school, since it was Friday. Imagine if they made some grand discovery together, perhaps get the meteorite named after them!
She kept her gaze on the distance while the bus slowed. Suddenly she was excited. It would not be just another day at Smallville High!
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 12 - Two Word Phrases
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 12 - Two word phrases that make you laugh
Actually this is a funny conversation consisting of only two word phrases.
I'm pregnant.
Say what?
Just kidding.
What the-?
April Fools!
Very funny.
Thought so.
Yeah right.
You mad?
Well, yes.
How come?
Wishful thinking.
I'm sorry.
No worries.
A baby?
Bad idea?
Maybe not.
Should we?
I'm game.
You are?
Why not?
Let's go!
Actually this is a funny conversation consisting of only two word phrases.
I'm pregnant.
Say what?
Just kidding.
What the-?
April Fools!
Very funny.
Thought so.
Yeah right.
You mad?
Well, yes.
How come?
Wishful thinking.
I'm sorry.
No worries.
A baby?
Bad idea?
Maybe not.
Should we?
I'm game.
You are?
Why not?
Let's go!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 11 - Relationship Blues
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 11 - Your current relationship
"Your current relationship sucks, Joseph!"
"Don't start, Deb." Joseph held his arm tight against his chest and watched the medical staff dash around the waiting room.
"Don't start? Don't START?!? How 'bout I finish it? Why the hell are you still in this mess? This is the third time I've brought you to the ER this year!"
Joseph sighed. His sister was right. He knew that. "You don't know what it's like out there, Deb. I don't want to go back to dating again. Maybe we can try couples counseling."
Deb snorted. "Like that'll ever happen."
"It might." Joe frowned. He knew he was kidding himself.
"You don't deserve this, little brother. You are a good man and you need someone who loves and appreciates you, not somebody who treats you like their personal slave."
"It's not like that," he lied.
"It's exactly like that!"
His sister was too smart for her own good. "I don't know what to do? We've been together for so long."
"Can you look me in the eye and tell me honestly that you are happy in this relationship?" She took his good hand and placed it against her cheek. Her eyes filled with tears.
Moment of truth. Joseph took a deep breath and searched his soul. Could he let this continue? Was this relationship worth saving? He shook his head and was surprised to feel his own tears roll down his face. "I deserve better."
"Yes, you do." She wiped his tears away and smiled sadly at him. "As soon as we get that arm fixed up we are packing up your stuff. David can find himself another boy toy."
Joseph nodded. He knew she was right, but the thought of going back into the dating pool made him queasy.
"By the way, when you're ready, I have someone I'd like you to meet."
Deb smiled. "His name is Charles and he works in my office. He saw your photo on my desk last week and his exact words were, 'Who's the cutie?'. When I told him you were my gay brother he lit up like the Fourth of July." She laughed.
Joseph smiled. Maybe ending things with David wouldn't be so hard after all.
"Your current relationship sucks, Joseph!"
"Don't start, Deb." Joseph held his arm tight against his chest and watched the medical staff dash around the waiting room.
"Don't start? Don't START?!? How 'bout I finish it? Why the hell are you still in this mess? This is the third time I've brought you to the ER this year!"
Joseph sighed. His sister was right. He knew that. "You don't know what it's like out there, Deb. I don't want to go back to dating again. Maybe we can try couples counseling."
Deb snorted. "Like that'll ever happen."
"It might." Joe frowned. He knew he was kidding himself.
"You don't deserve this, little brother. You are a good man and you need someone who loves and appreciates you, not somebody who treats you like their personal slave."
"It's not like that," he lied.
"It's exactly like that!"
His sister was too smart for her own good. "I don't know what to do? We've been together for so long."
"Can you look me in the eye and tell me honestly that you are happy in this relationship?" She took his good hand and placed it against her cheek. Her eyes filled with tears.
Moment of truth. Joseph took a deep breath and searched his soul. Could he let this continue? Was this relationship worth saving? He shook his head and was surprised to feel his own tears roll down his face. "I deserve better."
"Yes, you do." She wiped his tears away and smiled sadly at him. "As soon as we get that arm fixed up we are packing up your stuff. David can find himself another boy toy."
Joseph nodded. He knew she was right, but the thought of going back into the dating pool made him queasy.
"By the way, when you're ready, I have someone I'd like you to meet."
Deb smiled. "His name is Charles and he works in my office. He saw your photo on my desk last week and his exact words were, 'Who's the cutie?'. When I told him you were my gay brother he lit up like the Fourth of July." She laughed.
Joseph smiled. Maybe ending things with David wouldn't be so hard after all.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 10 - Bad Fruit
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 10 - A fruit you dislike and why
Young Gerald stared at the green and brown lumps stuck in between his cucumbers and tomatoes. The avocado looked slimy and mushy. He had watched his mother cutting it up as she prepared the salad. He had never tried this fruit, but his dad loved it. He sometimes sliced one open and ate it right out of the skin with a spoon.
Gerald pushed a lump around with his fork. It smelled like grass or mold, not very appetizing. He heard his mother clear her throat and looked up at her in wonder.
"Are you going to play with it all afternoon?"
"Do I have to eat it?"
"Yes, you do. Avocado is good for you. And you are a very lucky little boy to be getting such healthy food when there are children starving all over the world. Now say a prayer of thanks and eat."
Gerald took a deep breath, silently thanked God for this food and plopped the green chunk in his mouth. He bit down and the fruit mashed easily between his teeth. It had the consistency of thick mud and snot with some grass thrown in for flavoring. He nearly barfed into his bowl, but he managed to swallow. Barely. His stomach felt sick. "I don't like it, Mommy. Do I really have to eat it all? What if I just eat around the avocados? Daddy will eat them."
"Sweetie, just finish what's there and I promise you will never have to eat avocado again. But you should try it again when you're older because your tastes will change."
Gerald didn't think that would ever happen. He took a shaky breath and speared all the avocado pieces he could find onto his fork. At least he could eat them all first and then cover up the bad taste with the rest of his salad. He stared at the tower of green slime on his fork and opened wide. As soon as his mouth closed over the glop he could feel his tummy gurgle. He chewed slowly and tried to sit still. He thought about Superman eating avocado. His hero would have no problem overpowering these little green blobs. Gerald would be like Superman.
He sat up straight and put a serious scowl on his face as he chewed and chewed, but he just couldn't make himself swallow. He whimpered, feeling tears well in his eyes. Finally he jumped up from the table and ran to the bathroom just in time to spit out all the green goop before he threw up the rest of his meal.
Young Gerald stared at the green and brown lumps stuck in between his cucumbers and tomatoes. The avocado looked slimy and mushy. He had watched his mother cutting it up as she prepared the salad. He had never tried this fruit, but his dad loved it. He sometimes sliced one open and ate it right out of the skin with a spoon.
Gerald pushed a lump around with his fork. It smelled like grass or mold, not very appetizing. He heard his mother clear her throat and looked up at her in wonder.
"Are you going to play with it all afternoon?"
"Do I have to eat it?"
"Yes, you do. Avocado is good for you. And you are a very lucky little boy to be getting such healthy food when there are children starving all over the world. Now say a prayer of thanks and eat."
Gerald took a deep breath, silently thanked God for this food and plopped the green chunk in his mouth. He bit down and the fruit mashed easily between his teeth. It had the consistency of thick mud and snot with some grass thrown in for flavoring. He nearly barfed into his bowl, but he managed to swallow. Barely. His stomach felt sick. "I don't like it, Mommy. Do I really have to eat it all? What if I just eat around the avocados? Daddy will eat them."
"Sweetie, just finish what's there and I promise you will never have to eat avocado again. But you should try it again when you're older because your tastes will change."
Gerald didn't think that would ever happen. He took a shaky breath and speared all the avocado pieces he could find onto his fork. At least he could eat them all first and then cover up the bad taste with the rest of his salad. He stared at the tower of green slime on his fork and opened wide. As soon as his mouth closed over the glop he could feel his tummy gurgle. He chewed slowly and tried to sit still. He thought about Superman eating avocado. His hero would have no problem overpowering these little green blobs. Gerald would be like Superman.
He sat up straight and put a serious scowl on his face as he chewed and chewed, but he just couldn't make himself swallow. He whimpered, feeling tears well in his eyes. Finally he jumped up from the table and ran to the bathroom just in time to spit out all the green goop before he threw up the rest of his meal.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 9 - Ageism
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 9 - Your feelings on ageism
"What do you mean I'm too old to work here?" Since when was 60 old? That wasn't even retirement age! "I happen to be a huge music fan. I even have a web log."
"You mean a blog?" The young man behind the counter gave her a dubious stare.
"Right. Blog. That's what I meant. Been writing it for over twenty years now, back before they were even called blogs. I was an innovator, I tell ya. People copied my page, but I was one of the first music reviewers on the internet!"
"Okay, that's impressive I guess. But what do you know about pop music? And I'm not talking about The Beatles or Wham."
Trixie glared at the upstart. "You think just because I'm a little older than you I don't listen to Twenty One Pilots or Drake?"
The young man raised his eyebrows, making his piercing tug on his eyelid. Trixie shuddered. Kids today were so stupid! What if he fell and got that ring caught on something. He'd sure look mighty handsome staring at people like Batman's Two-Face.
"Honestly I'm surprised you even know who those artists are." He paused for a moment before asking, "Who's your favorite artist from this year's Grammy winners?"
She shook her head at him. "Why not just ask me who my favorite kid is? Jeez!" She thought for a moment. She had written a review on the Grammy Awards show, but she always strived to keep her articles unbiased. "Hm, I suppose if I have to pick just one I would go with Ed Sheeran. That guy can do anything from ballads to rock and soul. Thinking Out Loud is my favorite song of 2015."
The young man nodded and smiled. "Ed Sheeran is my boy. Anybody who loves Ed is okay in my book."
"Gee, thanks. Does that mean I have the job?"
"I think we can work together." He held out his hand. "Welcome to Record Shack."
"What do you mean I'm too old to work here?" Since when was 60 old? That wasn't even retirement age! "I happen to be a huge music fan. I even have a web log."
"You mean a blog?" The young man behind the counter gave her a dubious stare.
"Right. Blog. That's what I meant. Been writing it for over twenty years now, back before they were even called blogs. I was an innovator, I tell ya. People copied my page, but I was one of the first music reviewers on the internet!"
"Okay, that's impressive I guess. But what do you know about pop music? And I'm not talking about The Beatles or Wham."
Trixie glared at the upstart. "You think just because I'm a little older than you I don't listen to Twenty One Pilots or Drake?"
The young man raised his eyebrows, making his piercing tug on his eyelid. Trixie shuddered. Kids today were so stupid! What if he fell and got that ring caught on something. He'd sure look mighty handsome staring at people like Batman's Two-Face.
"Honestly I'm surprised you even know who those artists are." He paused for a moment before asking, "Who's your favorite artist from this year's Grammy winners?"
She shook her head at him. "Why not just ask me who my favorite kid is? Jeez!" She thought for a moment. She had written a review on the Grammy Awards show, but she always strived to keep her articles unbiased. "Hm, I suppose if I have to pick just one I would go with Ed Sheeran. That guy can do anything from ballads to rock and soul. Thinking Out Loud is my favorite song of 2015."
The young man nodded and smiled. "Ed Sheeran is my boy. Anybody who loves Ed is okay in my book."
"Gee, thanks. Does that mean I have the job?"
"I think we can work together." He held out his hand. "Welcome to Record Shack."
Friday, April 8, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 8 - Good Book Bad Book
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 8 - A book you love and one you didn't
"Okay, ladies, we need to pick this month's group read. The top suggestions were Outlander by Gabaldon and Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Obviously just the first book from each series."
"Lord of the Rings!"
"Oh, god, don't make me read Tolkien."
"That's right, Janie only reads romance novels."
"Shut it, Rhea! I read other stuff. Sometimes."
"Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest stories ever told!"
"I'm not saying it isn't. I just found the book too long and boring. The movie was great, though. I will give you that."
"The movie didn't follow the books close enough!"
"Whatever! I still vote for Outlander. It's an exciting book from the very start. The show is pretty awesome, too."
"You just like all the sex scenes!"
"You know it, Natalie. Ha!"
"Okay, girls. Show of hands for Lord of the Rings? That's five votes. That leaves seven votes. Outlander wins, unless anyone has another choice? No more suggestions? Then we have our pick."
"Outlander, yeah!"
"Okay, ladies, we need to pick this month's group read. The top suggestions were Outlander by Gabaldon and Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Obviously just the first book from each series."
"Lord of the Rings!"
"Oh, god, don't make me read Tolkien."
"That's right, Janie only reads romance novels."
"Shut it, Rhea! I read other stuff. Sometimes."
"Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest stories ever told!"
"I'm not saying it isn't. I just found the book too long and boring. The movie was great, though. I will give you that."
"The movie didn't follow the books close enough!"
"Whatever! I still vote for Outlander. It's an exciting book from the very start. The show is pretty awesome, too."
"You just like all the sex scenes!"
"You know it, Natalie. Ha!"
"Okay, girls. Show of hands for Lord of the Rings? That's five votes. That leaves seven votes. Outlander wins, unless anyone has another choice? No more suggestions? Then we have our pick."
"Outlander, yeah!"
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 7 - The Tattoo
Flash Fiction Challenge, Day 7 - What tattoos you have and do they have meaning.
Robbie paused for a moment after yanking off his smelly shirt. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed another one from his drawer, trying to ignore his friend's comment.
"What the hell is that?" Jerry walked up and placed his finger on his friend's back, tracing the dotted line to the big red X in the middle
Robbie knocked Jerry's hand away, feeling his face flush with embarrassment. "It's a treasure map," he murmured.
"Well, I can see that. Uh, dude, why is there a treasure map tattooed on your back?"
Robbie sighed. "I saw it in a movie once. Pirates had been searching for this map to buried treasure when all along it was on their enemy's back. They had even ripped the guy's shirt open once and didn't see it because they didn't take it off. It was such a great moment when he revealed his back to the princess and told her he could save her kingdom. I thought getting it was cool at the time."
"Huh. That does sound sorta cool. In a dweeb-y sort of way." Jerry snickered.
"Tell me about it. I always wanted to reveal my back to some girl and have her swoon over it, since they've all seen A Pirate's Pleasure a million times."
"Just none of 'em ever wanted to get naked with you?"
"Well, get dressed so we can go hit the club. Maybe you'll get lucky tonight."
Robbie pulled on a clean shirt and raised his fists in a fight stance. "Arrrgh!"
Jerry shook his head.
Robbie paused for a moment after yanking off his smelly shirt. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed another one from his drawer, trying to ignore his friend's comment.
"What the hell is that?" Jerry walked up and placed his finger on his friend's back, tracing the dotted line to the big red X in the middle
Robbie knocked Jerry's hand away, feeling his face flush with embarrassment. "It's a treasure map," he murmured.
"Well, I can see that. Uh, dude, why is there a treasure map tattooed on your back?"
Robbie sighed. "I saw it in a movie once. Pirates had been searching for this map to buried treasure when all along it was on their enemy's back. They had even ripped the guy's shirt open once and didn't see it because they didn't take it off. It was such a great moment when he revealed his back to the princess and told her he could save her kingdom. I thought getting it was cool at the time."
"Huh. That does sound sorta cool. In a dweeb-y sort of way." Jerry snickered.
"Tell me about it. I always wanted to reveal my back to some girl and have her swoon over it, since they've all seen A Pirate's Pleasure a million times."
"Just none of 'em ever wanted to get naked with you?"
"Well, get dressed so we can go hit the club. Maybe you'll get lucky tonight."
Robbie pulled on a clean shirt and raised his fists in a fight stance. "Arrrgh!"
Jerry shook his head.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 6 - Fascinating Character
Flash Fiction Challenge, Day 6 - Someone who fascinates you and why
Izzy lapped up water from her bowl and glanced out the sliding glass door. A movement at the top of the fence caught her eye. Squirrel!!!
She watched as the tiny black fur ball sat there, tail twitching. The rodent had a nut in his paws and was tapping it against the top of a board. Then he brought it to his mouth, trying to bite it. Obviously that didn't work since he tapped it against the board again.
Izzy sat there for a few minutes watching the squirrel. It still had not opened the nut. That was dedication. By now Izzy would've dropped the nut and gone on to something else.
She gave a little "woof" and Mommy opened the door for her. Izzy wanted to play. Maybe she could open that nut for Mr. Squirrel. Her teeth were strong. She ran outside and over to the squirrel. The tiny animal looked down at her and froze, then he took off running down the fence. Izzy ran after it, but the squirrel had left the yard.
It had dropped the nut. Izzy trotted over and sniffed it. It smelled like squirrel spit. Yuck. She left it there on the ground and went to lay on her puppy cot. The sun was shining. Who needed nuts or squirrels when you could just enjoy the day, mindlessly vegetating in the heat?
Izzy lapped up water from her bowl and glanced out the sliding glass door. A movement at the top of the fence caught her eye. Squirrel!!!
She watched as the tiny black fur ball sat there, tail twitching. The rodent had a nut in his paws and was tapping it against the top of a board. Then he brought it to his mouth, trying to bite it. Obviously that didn't work since he tapped it against the board again.
Izzy sat there for a few minutes watching the squirrel. It still had not opened the nut. That was dedication. By now Izzy would've dropped the nut and gone on to something else.
She gave a little "woof" and Mommy opened the door for her. Izzy wanted to play. Maybe she could open that nut for Mr. Squirrel. Her teeth were strong. She ran outside and over to the squirrel. The tiny animal looked down at her and froze, then he took off running down the fence. Izzy ran after it, but the squirrel had left the yard.
It had dropped the nut. Izzy trotted over and sniffed it. It smelled like squirrel spit. Yuck. She left it there on the ground and went to lay on her puppy cot. The sun was shining. Who needed nuts or squirrels when you could just enjoy the day, mindlessly vegetating in the heat?
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 5 - A Place You Would Live
Flash fiction challenge day 5: a place you would live but have never visited.
"O. M. G., Sarah, Viscount Bainbridge is so freakin' hot!"
"I told you! Jeez, Paulette, how long have I been begging you to read A Stormy Affair?"
"You were right. I wish I had read it sooner, then my dreams would be happy every night. I wish I could sail away to Regency England right now."
"Let me just call up Doctor Who and his time machine."
"Could you?"
"Hah! Why would you even want to live in the Victorian era anyway? Women were treated like property!"
"Bridge would never treat me like that. He respects women and thinks of them as his equal."
"You're forgetting that Bridge is in love with Jemma."
"Pfft! I would chase off that mousy little Miss Phillips. What does he even see in her? She's a nanny! A viscount can't marry a nanny, can they?"
"In fiction they can. How would you win him away from his lady love. Tell me, oh wise one."
"Hmm. I think I'd be the daughter of England's most powerful Duke. I was raised by nuns and run away from the convent in search of adventure. I'd stow away on the viscount's ship and he would find me hiding in his cabin."
"And you think he would marry you?"
"He would take one look at me and tell me he never believed in love at first sight until this moment."
"More like he would make you his mistress."
"Hey, I'm a Duke's daughter! My father would shoot off his family jewels if he disrespected me."
"Your reputation would already be ruined."
"Duh. You were unchaperoned on a ship full of sleazy men."
"Hey, they're classy sailors. The viscount only hires the most loyal and honest of men."
"He would totally marry me."
"Yeah, right."
"Shut up."
"O. M. G., Sarah, Viscount Bainbridge is so freakin' hot!"
"I told you! Jeez, Paulette, how long have I been begging you to read A Stormy Affair?"
"You were right. I wish I had read it sooner, then my dreams would be happy every night. I wish I could sail away to Regency England right now."
"Let me just call up Doctor Who and his time machine."
"Could you?"
"Hah! Why would you even want to live in the Victorian era anyway? Women were treated like property!"
"Bridge would never treat me like that. He respects women and thinks of them as his equal."
"You're forgetting that Bridge is in love with Jemma."
"Pfft! I would chase off that mousy little Miss Phillips. What does he even see in her? She's a nanny! A viscount can't marry a nanny, can they?"
"In fiction they can. How would you win him away from his lady love. Tell me, oh wise one."
"Hmm. I think I'd be the daughter of England's most powerful Duke. I was raised by nuns and run away from the convent in search of adventure. I'd stow away on the viscount's ship and he would find me hiding in his cabin."
"And you think he would marry you?"
"He would take one look at me and tell me he never believed in love at first sight until this moment."
"More like he would make you his mistress."
"Hey, I'm a Duke's daughter! My father would shoot off his family jewels if he disrespected me."
"Your reputation would already be ruined."
"Duh. You were unchaperoned on a ship full of sleazy men."
"Hey, they're classy sailors. The viscount only hires the most loyal and honest of men."
"He would totally marry me."
"Yeah, right."
"Shut up."
Monday, April 4, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 4 - 10 Interesting Facts
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 4: Ten interesting facts about my character
I am currently writing a story about a group of friends who are fanboys (of different fandoms). Today I will focus on Richard.
1. Real name is Rikart, but everyone thought it was Richard, so his family changed it.
2. He met his friends at age 9 when he saw them passing around Mars Attacks! trading cards.
3. He is a writer of science fiction stories.
4. He has had the same recurring dream for as long as he can remember.
5. His stories are based on his recurring dream.
6. After his book was rejected by ten different publishers he decided to self-publish.
7. This is is first year buying a booth at Comic-Con.
8. He has never had a girlfriend.
9. He is 23 and has never had a girlfriend.
10. He may or may not be from another planet.
I am currently writing a story about a group of friends who are fanboys (of different fandoms). Today I will focus on Richard.
1. Real name is Rikart, but everyone thought it was Richard, so his family changed it.
2. He met his friends at age 9 when he saw them passing around Mars Attacks! trading cards.
3. He is a writer of science fiction stories.
4. He has had the same recurring dream for as long as he can remember.
5. His stories are based on his recurring dream.
6. After his book was rejected by ten different publishers he decided to self-publish.
7. This is is first year buying a booth at Comic-Con.
8. He has never had a girlfriend.
9. He is 23 and has never had a girlfriend.
10. He may or may not be from another planet.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 3 - First Love
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 3: first love and first kiss.
George heaved a loud sigh and slowly pulled himself out of his easy chair, his old bones howling at him to sit back down. "Cain't be sittin' around all day." As much as he would like to.
He headed for the kitchen, passing the old family photos on the wall like he did every day without really paying attention. Today he was feeling nostalgic. He stopped and looked, letting the memories wash over him. The first was him and Clara at their 50th wedding anniversary. The image showed him and Clara laughing like a couple of loons, their faces illuminated by 50 cake sparklers.
The next photo was their twin boys college graduation. They all looked so proud. "Our boys done good, Clara."
There was an old faded photo of their wedding day in 1965. "Ah, Clara, you were so young and beautiful." He touched his finger to his lips and then to her sweet face. "You were my first and only love."
The last photo was of him and Clara sitting under the apple tree where he had carved their initials. "We shared our first kiss under that tree." He sighed again. "Why am I so sappy today?"
"It's you're 75th birthday, sweetie. That's a quarter of a century. I hate to break it to ya, but you're an old man now."
"Rub it in, Clara. You're still young and beautiful at 69."
Clara smiled and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "And you're still charming as ever, you old devil." She kissed him on the shoulder. "Come on, we need to get ready for your big party." She took him by the hand and led him down the hall.
George heaved a loud sigh and slowly pulled himself out of his easy chair, his old bones howling at him to sit back down. "Cain't be sittin' around all day." As much as he would like to.
He headed for the kitchen, passing the old family photos on the wall like he did every day without really paying attention. Today he was feeling nostalgic. He stopped and looked, letting the memories wash over him. The first was him and Clara at their 50th wedding anniversary. The image showed him and Clara laughing like a couple of loons, their faces illuminated by 50 cake sparklers.
The next photo was their twin boys college graduation. They all looked so proud. "Our boys done good, Clara."
There was an old faded photo of their wedding day in 1965. "Ah, Clara, you were so young and beautiful." He touched his finger to his lips and then to her sweet face. "You were my first and only love."
The last photo was of him and Clara sitting under the apple tree where he had carved their initials. "We shared our first kiss under that tree." He sighed again. "Why am I so sappy today?"
"It's you're 75th birthday, sweetie. That's a quarter of a century. I hate to break it to ya, but you're an old man now."
"Rub it in, Clara. You're still young and beautiful at 69."
Clara smiled and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "And you're still charming as ever, you old devil." She kissed him on the shoulder. "Come on, we need to get ready for your big party." She took him by the hand and led him down the hall.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 2 - Earliest Memory
Howie climbed the attic stairs, his feet getting heavier with each step. He found the old suitcase buried under boxes of photographs. The thing was caked in dust. How long had it been since anyone had use of it. He pulled the boxes off and lifted the case. He coughed as he was surrounded in a cloud of dead skin cells and insect feces. He lugged the heavy burden back down the stairs and straight out the back door. He gave the bag some hard whacks, trying to clean it as best he could. Then he dragged it to his bedroom. College on the east coast would be the best vacation ever, with some hard work thrown in. It sure beat hanging around the house waiting for his parents to kill each other.
Everything was ready to go. His clothes were separated in neat stacks on his bed, his school supplies sorted and boxed up on his desk. He pulled the zipper on the giant suitcase and halfway around it got stuck. He pulled and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. A memory popped into his head.
His mom and dad were laughing, his mom yanking on that damn zipper.
"Come on, you can do it! I have faith in you, sweetie."
"Yeah, right. Easy for you to say. I think we need The Hulk right about now."
"Raawwwr! Hulk, SMASH!" Dad struck a muscle man pose and Mom laughed.
"Oh, you sexy beast! Get those manly arms over here. Your baby boy will never get to Disneyland if we can't even get the suitcase open.
"Disneyland can wait." Dad pulled Mom into his arms and kissed her, while young Howie sat on the bed clapping his little hands.
Howie gasped. They used to be so in love. What had happened? He shook his head at one of life's great unanswerable questions. He pressed on the canvas surrounding the zipper and tried a gentler pull. It opened easily. It didn't require The Hulk, just some thought. He flipped the lid open and inside was a lone photograph. It was one of those theme park special deals, where they have you pose outside an attraction. His dad had one arm around his mom while holding Howie on his hip. It was their one and only family vacation. The only happy memory he had.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Writing Challenge Day 1 - Social Media Problems
Okay, so I came across this image on Facebook last week and decided to do this challenge for the month of April, along with many other people. The twist is I'm going to do these as flash fiction pieces.
Flash Fiction Challenge Day 1 - Five problems with social media
Gracie checked her smartphone again. She was supposed to be studying for a psych exam, but it had been hours since she had received any notifications from her social media pages and she was anxious. She had posted a photo of her boyfriend Steve and had hoped her friends would comment. Maybe the notification thingies on her phone had stopped working? She closed her textbook, pulled out her laptop and surfed over to Facebook. She tried to log in but her password wouldn't work. Weird. Next she tried Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Tumblr. She couldn't log in there either. What the hell was going on? Finally she did an internet search for "Gracie Dennon Facebook" just to make sure her account was still active.
Her profile photo came up, but the banner image behind it was nearly pornographic. It was a photo of two naked people entwined in a sexual position--artfully hidden in shadow--with her and Steve's heads pasted on the bodies. She did more searches and was horrified to discover the same sexy image also on her other accounts.
Gracie couldn't stop shaking. She glanced around the school library, imagining everyone had seen this humiliating photo and was now laughing at her behind her back. She slammed her laptop shut, shoved it and her books back into her backpack and ran out into the hallway. She had to find Angela. Her best friend would know what to do.
By the time she got to Angela's locker the last period bell had rung. She watched Angela and Sharon approach. She couldn't understand what Angela saw in that social climbing whore. She frowned at Sharon. "Gracie," the whore said with fake sweetness.
"Hey, Sharon," she replied calmly before turning to Angela and gasping, "I've been hacked!"
"Really? How do you know?" Angela's eyes went wide.
"Have you seen my Facebook page?"
Sharon snickered. Gracie glared at her. "Did you to this? You demented bitch! What the hell is wrong with you!" She grabbed Sharon and slammed her into the lockers.
Angela tugged at her arm. "Gracie, stop! It was me!"
Gracie let go of Sharon and turned to her friend in stunned disbelief. "What? Why would you do that to me?"
"I'm sorry, Gracie. It was just a joke. A stupid April Fool's prank. I didn't think it would upset you so much."
Sharon stepped over. "In all honesty, I did help her hack into your accounts. Sorry, Gracie. We didn't mean to hurt you. I thought that photo was pretty sexy, myself."
Gracie shook her head, her vision blurring with tears as she glanced between the two girls. "Just fix it. And if that image isn't taken down by the time I get home, we are no longer friends." She turned to leave just as a bunch of cat calls started.
"Lookin' good, Gracie! Who knew you had such a hot bod under those sweatshirts."
"Shut up, Tommy!' Steve shoved the loudmouth into the wall. Then he put his arm around Gracie and led her outside. "Hey, you okay? I saw the photo on Snapchat."
Gracie buried her face against Steve's chest. "Everybody thinks I'm a slut now."
"No they don't. It was obviously an April Fool's joke. I'm sure there's a lot of that going around. Just ride it out. By tomorrow it will be old news. Besides, you did look pretty hot."
Gracie giggled. "So did you. Sixpack abs? You must work out a lot."
"There ya go. Just laugh it off. If people see that you're not upset by it they will have no reason to tease." He kissed her cheek. "But man oh man I will have that image burned into my brain for a long time. It really turned me on."
Gracie put her arm around Steve and gave him a squeeze. "After the initial shock, I was a little turned on myself."
"Wanna go make out at my house? My parents won't be home until late." He wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a hopeful smile.
Gracie bit her lip, feeling a shiver of excitement roll through her body. "Okay," she whispered. "But first you have to help me study for Friday's test."
"You got it, babe!" He walked her to his car, keeping her tucked close against his side.
If you didn't catch the five problems I was mentioning, here they are in order of events: addiction, distraction, hacking, cyber-bullying and public shaming.
If you didn't catch the five problems I was mentioning, here they are in order of events: addiction, distraction, hacking, cyber-bullying and public shaming.
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