"You're a good lad. A good lad. Did I ever tell you I also once tried to rescue a damsel in distress?"
"No, sir." Edward wondered if the man was delirious.
"She was so beautiful, hair of gold and eyes of blue. She lived on an island."
"Sir, I think you are confusing things."
"Oh. Maybe, I am." He looked sad. "I tend to forget things lately."
"It's all right. I will keep you informed." He got up to leave.
"Keep her safe, my boy."
Edward looked back, but the old man was asleep.
Carina paced her room. Francesca had just brought news of her future husband. He was a pirate! She hoped he was a good man. She had never heard of a kind pirate, but she was sure there had to be some. He could be like Robin Hood, taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor.
She walked to the window and stared out at the water, hoping to catch a glimpse of his ship, but there was nothing there. It was probably on the other side of the island. She sighed and looked over at her lunch of cold pheasant and fruit. She hoped her husband would feed her lobster.
She was startled when her mother burst into the room. She rushed over and took hold of her hand. "Daughter, I must throw myself on your mercy. Your father is punishing you for my past indiscretion."
Carina was shocked. She had never seen her mother as anything less than composed. "Whatever do you mean?"
"I had sworn never to reveal my secret, which is the reasonI haven't been attentive to you these last few years. I love you, my daughter, but it is just so painful to see you each day and be reminded of love lost."
"What are you saying? Do I remind you of your younger self so much?"
"You do, yes, but it's your father I see in you most of all, and it feels like my heart being torn from my chest whenever I see his beautiful eyes looking back at me." She smiled sadly.
"I never thought I favored my father much."
"Hopewell is not your father," she said in disgust. "My own father forced me to marry him when he found out I was with child."
Carina froze, her head starting to spin. "I'm a bastard?" She gripped the edge of the table for support.
"To the rest of the world you are legitimate. My father made sure of that."
"Why didn't you marry my real father? Was he already married?"
"No He was a captain on a merchant ship. He had regular business here with my father. We became friends, then sweethearts. I gave myself to him on his last night here and he promised to return and marry me. I believed him. I had loved him so very much. I never saw him again. He never even knew about you." Silent tears rolled down her mother's cheeks.
Carina's heart clenched as she listened to her mother's pain. She wiped away her tears and embraced her. "I'm so sorry. Do you think he perished in the sea?"
She shook her head. "I found out years later that he had returned just as he promised. A few weeks after our night together he asked my father for permission to wed me. But my father had loftier expectations for my future. My husband never forgave me for bearing another man's child."
She chuckled. "I think he was more upset that the man had been a common sailor, rather than a nobleman. And he blames you for us never being able to have more children. Now he has searched for the most despicable of husbands for you. He is practically crowing over the fact he's marrying you off to a sailor, and a disgusting one at that. I am so sorry."
"Mother, do not despair. I am ready to meet my fate and the new adventures that await me. Anything is better than being stuck in a tower for the rest of my days." She stared out at the vast blue. "The sea calls to me."
"Just like your father." She held her daughter tight. "I wish I could go with you."
Carina smiled to herself. "Maybe you can. I have an idea."
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