Thursday, December 17, 2015

Can't Balance My Checkbook

I have had a checking account since I was a teenager. I even worked in accounting years ago. I've always been pretty good at math.

Why can't I balance my checkbook?!?

I never used to have this problem. Each month I would carefully go over my statements, comparing each transaction. If there was a discrepancy I would make a notation and go back through my checkbook to see what was missing.

For some unknown reason, over the last several years, there has been an offset that I cannot figure out. Not only that, it seems to have gotten bigger.

I'm not stupid. I check and re-check my accounting and it always comes up different than the bank statement.

What the heck! Is there a ghost in my account? Is my computer calculator glitching out? Do I keep doing the same mistake over and over so I don't notice it? I give up. I have decided to just leave it alone and only go by my paper register, rather than the online one.

I know, you're probably shaking your head right now. You're screaming, "Holly, are you crazy! Get this straightened out!"

Well, I would if it bothered me too much. You see, the discrepancy is POSITIVE. For years my account has been growing as if there was a secret interest being added that the bank is not showing. It's not an interest account.

So long as the account is not showing I have less than what I do, I'm good. I just wish I could figure out how this keeps happening.

Until then I will continue to go by the balance in my check register and not what the bank claims I have.

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