Friday, August 14, 2015

Drought Means Death

An article came across my Facebook newsfeed the other day. Some uber-rich dude in Southern California was whining about the fact that he pays more in property taxes and should not have to lower his water usage like people in poorer neighborhoods. Not only that, but I heard that some people in wealthier neighborhoods have increased their water usage, as an act of defiance.

Are these people out of touch with reality??? Do they understand what drought means? If they use up all the water to make their lawns greener, they are going to die of thirst, as well as kill everyone else in the state.

I'm not an advocate of public shaming, but I could almost make an exception in this case. When someone puts other people's lives in danger just because they are spoiled rotten and used to getting their way, they need to be taken down a peg or two. Do I sound angry? I am.

Stay thirsty my friends.

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