Friday, May 22, 2015

Welcome to My Writing Blog!

The pull has become too strong! For months now I've felt like something wasn't right. I finally realized I had to start writing again. I'd been writing stories since I was a child, and for a while dabbled in fan fiction. That was another lifetime, though. And five years ago I had a great idea for a book series. Sadly, I let my fear get the best of me and gave in to writers block. Like I said, that was FIVE YEARS AGO!!! What?!?

Okay, Holly, snap out of it and get off your ass (or on your ass) and start typing!
Okay, me! I will. *flexes and wiggles fingers*

So, here we go, day one of my writing blog. I plan to start each morning with a word of gratitude and an observation. I will also occasionally post things I enjoy and want to share with you. Mostly, this will be me trying to get disciplined by writing every day. Hmm, discipline. I've never been any good at that. Even my meditation practice starts and stops, while my body screams at me to just sit down and shut the freak up for a minute or two... or twenty (like I should).
Follow me on a journey as I become a self-published author. Notice the title of my blog already says AUTHOR. That is called the law of attraction, people!

STEP 1: Get rid of the biggest distraction...TV.
Okay, we didn't actually get rid of our tv, but we did cancel cable! As much as we loved DirecTV, it was a huge expense that really wasn't worth it. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law got us a Roku for the holidays a couple years ago and we love it! When we feel the need to watch something, we can view Hulu Plus or Netflix, and various other channels at less than half of what we were paying for DirecTV. I thought our daughter would put up more of a fight, but as long as she can watch her favorite shows later in the week, she's happy.

Check out Roku. Do you have one? Do you like it?


  1. Good Luck Holly I look forward to your posts and watching the universe realign to make your dreams come true!


Thank you for sharing your kind words...